The 3D printing is still alive?
Sharebot and 42: a new model designed for small and medium enterprises and a new material based on recycled paper. So the main Italian company in the industry to raise the bar
The answer could only be that. 42. Why do so – citing the “Galactic Hitchhiker’s Guide ‘- Sharebot chose to call his next 3D printer model. A professional printer, a filament deposition, which raises the challenge in a sector which in Italy struggling to take off. “We have spent a concentrate of all that you can have in a printer of this type,” says Arturo Donghi, one of the founders of the Brianza company, leader in Italy in the sector. Sharebot 42 is faster and smarter. It has a quad-core processor, 2 gigabytes of memory, calibrates itself and stops by itself if the filament ends or jams. “But the main innovation is the remote control – explains Donghi – that allows you to monitor and control the 3D printer with a tablet or smartphone. A step towards the factory of mini-factories, because the future I dream like this: a digital factory, with 50 networked printers to work on custom manufacturing. ”
In 2016, according to estimates by Gartner, it will be nearly 500,000 3D printers sold worldwide. A number more than double what it regards 2015 (about 244,000). It is expected to grow to over 5 million by the year 2019. In short, little doubt that it is a huge growth industry and able to change the face of our times. Yet. Yet for years he talked about in terms of the future, and little in the way of this. Especially in Italy, where there have been encouraging signs, but the world of 3D printing hard to get out of the niche of the ‘maker’. “This is the time for small and medium-sized enterprises – he says he is convinced Donghi – who are called to innovate and change. In the future Europe will be only the micro-production, custom manufacturing, prototypes. The largest production will be elsewhere. ”
So the crux of the matter moves on two levels: investment and expertise. On the first point, there is great reason for optimism: the professional 3D printer costs are falling. And the great technological leap you can do with a few thousand or even a few hundred euro. The other side is the one on which there is more to work with, observes Donghi: “With our Academy we are struggling just to spread the expertise on the subject, to bring the ability to design in 3D and to think in new terms. In the meantime it is hoped to see grow simple and free tools to help grow the community. Today still lack the ‘killer app’ but there are interesting signs, from Windows 10 that supports 3D printing up to TinkerCAD “.
Having said that Sharebot 42 will be available from April 5, there is another important innovation of which give account . It’s called 3dpaper and is the work of NextMaterials, University spin-off that does research on innovative materials. A filament for 3D printer high environmental sustainability, developed in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and marketed by its Sharebot. “Until now, the materials used for 3D printing – explained Professor Alberto Cigada – were plastic produced from corn starch. Compostable but not recyclable. 3dpaper is instead made from recycled paper and is therefore to be recycled again in the paper and cardboard industry. With perfect features, it allows high-speed printing, welding with water, it polishes with denatured alcohol. ”

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