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Here’s the best of the products displayed at the exhibition devoted to wearable technology London
wearable technology it is increasingly the future in the field of hi-tech. With the entrance of Apple Watch even the uninitiated they realized how convenient to have your wrist a multitude of features and news. After the new technology shown at CES, the Wearable Technology Show in London was attended by companies such as Samsung, IBM, Accenture and many others, showing how the combination of wearable technology, Internet of Things and augmented reality systems allow creations unimaginable even a short time ago.
Technology wearable for every woman, from mothers to manager
A place among wearable devices most interesting is definitely deserved to be Rhythm Beats . It is a kind of belly designed to envelop the womb of every mother, to monitor the pregnancy. Rhythm Beats comes with various sensors, including one designed to ‘ listening to music by the fetus, thanks to an app download to your smartphone. In addition to this function, the device also allows you to monitor the health of mother and child, keeping in check the heartbeat .
Some people think even women who bottle-prepend the desk. For managers in career is designed Plumora : we are talking about a jewel, and not just a manner of speaking. It is a bracelet available in gold, white and yellow 18-carat with free bluetooth for connection to devices iOS and Android . Plumora it vibrates and lights up to signal the arrival of emails, phone calls, messages and reminders. The perfect gift for the career woman.
(Photo: Plumora)
healthy mind in a sound technology
WTS 2015 was also an opportunity to present products for the Fitness , a phenomenon which it gathers every year more and more fans. SPT has thus taken the opportunity to present GameTraka , a small wearable accessory equipped with GPS that could become the best friend of coaches and personal trainers. GameTraka is inserted within T-shirts, tank tops and other garments, after which he will monitor and provide performance information of the athlete. The ideal solution to continuously improve their performance.
But besides the physical must also train the mind. And just that is born Muse InteraXon , designed for those who need high performance mental, or they simply want to escape from everyday stress. The device has a shape similar to that of normal headphones, but once connected to the smartphone or tablet allows you to analyze brain activity , in simple daily sessions of three minutes. This will make it possible to raise their level of concentration and attention, to manage the voltage is at the highest level in sport that the daily chaos.
Help “skin” to avoid burning yourself
Our exhibition closes with Sunfriend . We are talking about a practical bracelet that lets us know how long we are exposed to the sun, so do not overdose UV . We have therefore seen as wearable technology lends itself to almost any type of use and can easily be used in synergy with our beloved smartphone and tablet.
In the autumn the WTS will move in the USA , and we are confident that new ideas will be ready for the occasion.
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