Wednesday, August 6, 2014

“Yes to the selfie Gallery attracts young” – The Nation

PERUGIA, August 5, 2014 – A BEAUTIFUL SELFIE among the masterpieces of the National Gallery? And why not? It seems to me a very good idea, perfect for engaging young people ». Technological innovations has always believed and now Fabio De Chirico , Superintendent of the historical, and ethno-anthropological artists of Umbria, can not appreciate that down the line the most revolutionary innovation of the new law on culture and tourism: the freedom to take pictures inside the museums chasing and in its own way consecrates the widespread mania for selfie.

SHORT , now it will be possible in a self-timer photo taken with a work of art and no matter if an American study has even spoken of mental disorder and if many experts have been hurled against the degeneration of morals. A Perugia goes against ….

Then you satisfied with this novelty à? Sure, especially for kids who today use the i-phone for practically everything. Always been one of my goals is to entice the guys to come to the museum, let alone if they are not happy with the chance to take a picture. So you go more and more towards the democratization of cultura».

Eppure many did not like it .. . Let’s face it, the absolute prohibition of taking pictures at the museum there has never been, was left to the discretion of the individual. Now the Decree certifies that the citizen may do so freely, but always without a flash, which can damage the work, and always for souvenir photos, personal, never for the purpose commerciali».

Insomma, only advantages? Absolutely, especially in terms of communication to the citizen who feels the museum as a place of belonging and can share the ownership of the works d'arte».

Un'altra novelty, the museum is free on Sundays. .. E ‘just begun, we are in the process of testing and monitoring, but the first results are outstanding, free admission goes especially for residents, who come back more often and more freely to museo».

E Friday extends up to 21 hours . « Here I have some doubts, the beginnings were not too encouraging. Maybe add the entry facilitated or guided tours: Need something more in the summer on a Friday night is not going to museo…».


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