Monday, August 4, 2014

Porto San Giorgio. The experimentation of the bins technological … – Informazione.Tv

Porto San Giorgio. The experimentation of technological garbage bins. Libra and magnetic card on the news

‘was presented yesterday morning the island ecological technology, which allows you to make a separate without the door-to-door. There are all the bins: glass, plastic, paper, undifferentiated and moist, and it opens only one refusing to give.

Foto testo

The island’s ecological skyscraper

The island has been operational since last Monday in the space of the condominium skyscraper, whose residents and residents were given a magnetic card. By passing in front of the appropriate space activates the Mechanized voice calling on a touch screen to select the type of waste to be delivered. For example, choosing glass, the voice invites you to place the bag on the scale, which will detect the weight. At this point the machine will issue a sticker, containing the weight, and a bar-code with the data of the person who gives it. This sticker will be attached to the bag then you can just throw in the bin right, that of glass. The system enables in fact only the opening of the box chosen for the refusal. If you have to give another type of rejection or if we are wrong, the operation must be repeated again.

The adhesive is used to count the pounds of waste collection: the achievement of a certain amount in fact, you can request a complimentary beach bag, at least until August 31. After that date are to study the association agreements with merchants to get to distribute vouchers to spend in the shops. A service that, if it were to prove lasting and efficient, it could in a medium / long term lead to the overcoming of curbside collection. And to watch the first data transfer, this does not appear to be so far away: the separation in this ecological island reached 88% in just four days of use (figures for 180 apartments). All this, as pointed out by the mayor Loire, is due to the “good, effective and efficient management of Ceccarani, which has allowed us to take action to improve the service.” Loire then made a clarification on the fact that the so-called points “can not possibly be used for a reduction of taxes on a personal basis.” Of “major leap forward in environmental protection with the use of technology” spoke the deputy Umberto Talamonti, while the administrator of Sangiorgio Distribution and Services, who explained the whole functioning of the island, explained In conclusion, the reason why you chose the skyscraper: “We wanted to try it in a high-intensity housing, which greatly increases during the summer. I want to clarify that you can use the island with the tax code, but in this case you can not reclaim any bonuses. Also remember that the island is under video surveillance. “


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