Tuesday, August 13, 2013

BlackBerry think of a "back to the future": The touch does not pay, the ... - The Republic

devices with BB10 system and touch screen does not raise the brand on the market. Appointed a special committee to evaluate the assumptions for the future: private company with return goodbye to Wall Street or partnerships. The company has good assets and liquidity, but the scenario does not exclude the sale

BlackBerry think of a (afp ) THE TOUCHSCREEN may not be enough in a tumultuous market such as hi-tech. BlackBerry, historical name of mobile technology, is in trouble despite the launch of new products and platform. It is not the first time that the CEO, Thorsten Heins, examine the possibility of a sale of the business.
It ‘happened in May of 2012, it is today summing up the uninspiring performance of the last Canadian smartphone company. Who has attempted revival with the operation Z10 and Q10, and hybrid touch devices with the keyboard, but that did not allow what was once called Research in Motion to come back as a great time in the mobile market. The quality o f the devices and the latest version of their operating system, BB10, is undisputed. But there are a few applications and the market such as business casual appear already polarized by Apple and Android. So where once excelled BlackBerry waters have moved. And the Canadian company seems to have been slow to react while the competition put flags on the planet. In third place in the market, what Heins aimed to conquer, there is now Windows Phone. A platform still young and the numbers significantly lower than Android and iOS. Yet, already so deeply rooted as to make life complicated BB.

Financial Blizzard.
And so, after the rumors circulating in recent days about a possible farewell to the Stock Exchange of pioneer smartphones, today it was confirmed that the company is evaluating strategic alternatives available to it, including the possible sale of the company, or joint venture. To evaluate them, the Canadian group has created a special committ ee, which will sit also Thorsten Heins. “Given the importance and the strength of our technology and the continuous evolution of the industry, we believe it is the right time to explore strategic alternatives,” says the chairman of the Special Committee, Timothy Dattels. “We have a strong balance sheet and we are happy – highlights Heins – the progress achieved so far. While the Special Committee will explore the alternatives, we will continue our strategy of reducing costs.” No official comment, however, the rumors of a buyout to say goodbye to Wall Street. Resources . If the BlackBerry will sell, you can also think of cutting only the consumer and that of physical product. The most important assets of the company are not as smart phones, devices, as the ecosystem and operating system platform, real wall master company. Known and appreciated due to the high level of security offered by its technology infrastructure, capa ble of handling even other operating systems in the complex scenario of BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” in which companies must ensure confidentiality protocols to employees who using tools and personal mobile in a context that must be protected. There is also

the automotive industry, in which the BlackBerry operating for some time, and that in fact is one of the territories of conquest on which you launch other big names, such as Apple iOS in the car. And then there is some liquidity, at least a couple of billion dollars, of which Thorsten Heins may have to return the bar to starboard. There are also further plans for new smartphones, this time at the budget end. But with a substantial return to the physical keyboard.
thorsten heins,

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