First, cleanse. So sweet, gentle, but increasingly tech: milk mousse and combine with electronic brushes purifying massage, rotary heads that stimulate, tone up and smooth, making the skin silk. Deep cleaning, but especially oxygen, to better absorb the active treatments: The synergy between cosmetics and technology is the new frontier, both at home and in beauty farm . The home spa trend promotes poliattive formulas – those that moisturize, regenerate, bunched and brighten the skin – along with hi-tech innovative exploiting massage, micropressioni and led light to stimulate the blood supply and metabolism of the skin. In school, however, return to proven treatments combined version. For example, Endermologie® Cellular Regeneration, mechanical massage that increases the content of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the dermis, is completed by the daily use of a special anti-aging serum that boosts the fibroblasts (cells that “create” the skin). Technological formulas for the new micellar water , which cleanse and exfoliate the skin layer more shallow. In short, a real peeling no redness.
Photos Mark Craig, styling Marina Malavasi with Stella Romo (Makeup and Hair Wilhelmus Katja @ Close Up Milan).
In terms of Filler , away crow’s feet, dark circles and puffiness with a technique evolved that” injects along the tear trough calcium hydroxyapatite, a resorbable material which when used skillfully, can erase furrows and wrinkles, lighten dark circles and restructure while the delicate tissues around the eyes. Without the side effects of hyaluronic acid which, in this particular area, it may cause swelling, “says Dr. Leah Solomon, an expert in anti-aging medicine, which has just introduced the new protocol at the last Congress of Aesthetic Medicine of Milan ( ).
For the chin and neck, good news for those who can not stand or scalpel or liposuction is Incoming the anti double chin . Kybella (this trade name) contains acid deoxycholic that “breaks” the cells of fat. And, as shown by 19 clinical studies involving 2,600 patients, may remove a double chin in 4-6 injections on a monthly basis. But there are two other techno-solutions already available: Ultherapy and CoolMini Zeltiq. In the first case of ultrasound ecoguidati that, penetrating deep, intense toning allow a maximum of two sessions ( In the second, the active agent is the cold, conveyed in the small area of the chin by a handful of precision – the CoolMini applicator – cools the fat cells eliminating them (
Photos Marco Craig, styling Marina Malavasi with Stella Romo (dress Ada Kokosar for & amp; Other Stories. Makeup and hair Katja Wilhelmus @ Close Up Milan).
To rejuvenate neck , relentless timepiece for women, there is now the “Reins technique” or technical bridle. “Using two wires in polylactic acid (completely resorbable) to collect the excess skin and bring it gently behind the head,” says Rosalba Russo, plastic surgeon and vice president Sies (Italian Society of Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery). “The lifting effect lasts over a year.”
And face creams ? Now they reveal how thin the dividing line between aesthetics, medicine and research futuristic. Using the knowledge of the cellular DNA to intervene in a targeted and personalized on imperfections to defeat. Fight against wrinkles. And a more comprehensive and harmonious volumes.
Photos Mark Craig, styling Marina Malavasi with Stella Romo (Dress iBlues. Makeup and hair Wilhelmus Katja @ Close Up Milan).
THE BACKSTAGE VIDEO: One Minute model (skincare edition)
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