Towards an instrument for planning and policy for the regional energy policies.
The PER is the strategic tool of reference with which the region, in compliance with national and EU regulations and standards, ensures a neat correlation between energy produced, its use efficient and effective, and the ability to absorb the energy from the territory and the regional environment. The underlying strategy of FOR pursues the principle of sustainable development, protecting the historical and cultural and environmental heritage, at the same time, complete the actions and the economic vision of the financial LR 3/2015 Rilancimpresa by orienting the economic system to “clean technologies” and providing businesses with incentives to create new jobs through green jobs, the promotion of new skills linked to the new professionalism that the energy sector requires.
The PER identifies objectives and measures for the development and strengthening of the regional energy system and realizes it within the general view of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as outlined on 12 December 2015 by the Agreement Paris of the COP21 (Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC).
The Measures of the PER, in order to become operational, will have to be analyzed for determine the potential strategic or choose from among those listed, such as incentives and they shall bear the best results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The PER is a dynamic tool, not hard, constantly updated, given the incessant change of policies, regulations and technologies on the energy issue, particularly related to aspects of scientific and technological research. This assertion is proved by the fact that the PER exceeds the previous Regional Energy Plan (approved by Decree of the President of the Region of 21 May 2007, n. 0137 / Pres) ignored the important news relating to incentives for energy produced by plants renewable sources referred to in the Ministerial Decree of 18/12/2008, which had been established on the implementation modalities of the new incentive mechanisms. In fact, since 2008 the renewable energy sources have had a strong incentive, as both consumption and production both as, significantly changing the regional energy scenarios.
The TO takes into account the substantial changes in legislation and regulations that occurred in 2007/2008 as well as all the national and European regulations on energy from renewable sources, and problems related to emissions of greenhouse gases, derived from anthropogenic global warming.
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Documents of the Regional Energy Plan
The PER, under Article 5, paragraph 4, of the LR 19/2012 Rules on energy and fuel distribution and under Leg. 152/2006 , consists of the following four documents:
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Summary of the content of PER
1. Final objectives of the Regional Energy Plan (PER)
Given the difficult historical moment, which requires a new development model and as targets of European Strategy 20:20 .20 (reduce energy consumption, increase energy efficiency in demand, encourage and promote the use of renewable energy sources), the final objectives of the PER are the reduction of energy costs and the reduction of greenhouse gas greenhouse, known as the mathematical correlation between the consumption of different energy sources from fossil fuels and emissions into the atmosphere, which is altering local pollutants. The main mode to achieve these objectives is the energy efficiency in all areas, aiming at protecting and developing the area and using its resources in a rational and sustainable (Bioregion, Green Belt – an ecological corridor length of 12,500 km, which affects Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Republic of Slovenia and Austria – and Green Economy).
2. Regulatory framework
Regionally: LR 19/2012, for the previous and other body Plans tion regional and ;
Nationally: Leg. 1 June 2011 n. 93, Leg. March 3, 2011 n. 28, D.M. March 15, 2012, L. August 6, 2013, n. 96, Leg. July 4, 2014 n. 102, SEN (National Energy Strategy), SNACC (National Adaptation Strategy Climate Change);
At Community level: European strategy 20:20:20, Green Paper on the new framework in 2030, the third package of measures for the internal market in ‘ electricity and gas, Directive 2009/28 / EC, Directive 2012/27 / EU, the ROP ERDF 2007 2013 2014 2020 next ROP ERDF.
3. The regional energy system current
I s FOR examines the regional energy system current. The present scenario is the representation of energy data relating to real regional energy balance latest available which in this case is that for the year 2008 prepared by ENEA. However, in order to have a more updated, although incomplete due to lack of official data, was prepared a framework to 2012 (preliminary data ENEA) and a projection, only on consumption, 2015, which found that the consumption of renewable sources, in four years, has had significant growth (almost 40%) and that the trend is still rising. Following an analysis of the plants and energy infrastructure (electricity transmission grids and distribution – with an initial analysis of the environmental impact due to power lines – gas and oil pipelines). They were specified energy indicators and European environmental, national and regional need to analyze energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the local context and to monitor consumption and interaction with economic and environmental data. The investigations are continuing on the subject of pollution and climate-changing, the energy carriers in the domestic or “offline” (wood, diesel and LPG) and an analysis of the fleet of vehicles circulating in the region, with its emission factors and how to reduce or Reducing the emissions of pollutants from vehicular traffic. The PER also offers several insights on energy issues such as solar thermal plants, energy from hydroelectric sources, the restoration of listed buildings energy, biomass, geothermal and idrotermia.
4. Energy scenarios of reference (baseline)
The energy scenarios are a description of the possible evolution of a complex system as the socio economic and environment of an area. The baseline scenario is the scenario that would occur in the absence of PER and analyzes the energy carriers and activities that use energy carriers, concluding with an analysis of greenhouse gases, for the years 1990 to 2030. An analysis of the current state is show that the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia appears to have achieved the objective of Directive 2009/28 / EC called “Burden Sharing” on the share of energy consumption provided by renewable sources by 2020 were outlined scenarios desired energy system region according to the Green Paper COM (2014) 15-2030.
5. Measures of the Regional Energy Plan
Traguardano the Vision system such as the European Environment, Growth, Competitiveness and Security of supply. Derived from Vision strategic policies such as regional Bioregion and the Green Belt, the increase of consumption and production of renewable energy sources, energy improvement, environmental sustainability, the with infrastructural and environmentally friendly, the increase in applications technology and information, the insemination of knowledge in the field of energy and environment. It is specified in 57 measures, detailed in 32 special boards. In summary include the transformation of traditional systems of energy production systems more sustainable; increasing energy efficiency in the various sectors (housing, production facilities, agriculture, tourism and transport); the encouragement of knowledge in the field of sustainable energy, using scientific research as a source of new concrete applications, technology and information; the preparation of guidelines for incentives for renewable energy sources as well as for the identification of areas not suitable to them; the development of sustainable mobility, especially for electrical but also the methane gas for vehicles; the responsible use of regional resources; the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors and the quest for sustainable mechanisms for the realization of cross-border energy infrastructure.
6. The strategic potential of measures The
FOR highlights the potential of the strategic measures plan, through a survey methodology that classifies them according to their performance, useful to the region that may have, in this way, information on the best implementation of the P ER and, consequently, achieve maximum results. It was developed an energy scenario and emission resulting from the application of measures to high potential year 2030 was provided an initial operation of maximum measures.
7. The potential social and economic measures The
is the potential for socio-economic measures of the Plan by analyzing three studies at national level on economic impact of renewable energy sources and a Studio International. The studies are:
· Greenpeace (2014);
· Enel Foundation (2013);
· Conference of GSE (2013);
· IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency).
8. Technical Implementation
Attached to the Regional Energy Plan are the Technical Implementation (under LR 19/2012 article 5, paragraph 4, point g) where you specify the implementation of the “Burden Sharing” and provide clarification on infrastructure
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Approval of
The adoption process, formation and approval of the Regional Energy Plan (consisting of four documents) is governed by Article 5 Regional Law 11 October 2012, n. 19 “Rules on energy and fuel distribution” and the second part of the Decree. 152/2006 “Environmental Code” as regards the procedure for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
With deliberation of Regional Committee n. 1252 of June 25, 2015 was adopted the proposed new Regional Energy Plan (PER). The documents adopted was published on the ordinary supplement n. 26 of 22 July 2015 at the Regional Official Journal No. 29 of 22 July 2015, together with the notice referred to in Article 14 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, in order to make the start time for public consultations. From this date the proposal and its elaborate FOR SEA have been filed for 60 consecutive days pursuant to art. 14 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006, both in the offices of the region and has offices in the provinces. The Council of Local (CAL) on 15 September 2015 issued a favorable opinion on resolution no. 1252 of 26 June 2015 for the adoption of the meeting No. 16, as the minutes 41/2015.
During the consultation period of the SEA process (July 22, 2015 – SEPTEMBER 21 2015) were held public meetings aimed at both the citizenship and both stakeholders specialist, made in order to broaden the consultation, participation and sharing of documents FOR. The period for receipt of comments went beyond the date of 21 September 2015, to accept up to 28 October 2015, to extend the opportunity to participate in the drafting process of the FOR.
After expiry of the consultation and public participation, the procedure of formation of the PER provides for the assessment of the environmental report and the results of the consultation with the drafting of a Reasoned opinion of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The reasoned opinion was expressed by a resolution in favor of the Regional Council no. 2486 of 11 December 2015, with directions to consider in the process of approval for the same.
The PER was supplemented and updated as quoted by the reasoned opinion of the SEA. The conclusion of the process is the approval of the Regional Energy Plan with all accompanying documents and reviewed by the Regional Council. This approval was made on 22 December 2015 by resolution of the Regional Council no. 2564.
The enforceability of this measure giuntale was made by the President of the Region No. of December 2015.
According to Article 17 of Legislative Decree 152/2006, the reasoned opinion of the SEA, approved by resolution of the Regional No. 2486 of 11 December 2015, the regional energy plan consisting of the processed in point 7 approved by resolution of the Regional No. 2564 as well as of 12/22/2015 the decree of the President of the Region nr. the xx / 12/2015 have been published in the Official Bulletin of the Region n. of / 12/2015 and on the website of the Region.
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last update: Thursday, December 24, 2015
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