Friday, December 11, 2015

The guitar becomes an orchestra and 4 other technological innovations – Bergamo Post


1) Starstream, water with ultrasound
disinfecting medical instruments

One of the biggest risks of modern medicine are infections which can develop and expand as a result of operations also trivial. Sterilization procedures are not yet resistant germs and anyone who passes under the knife has obligations to control their daily to ward off any problems.

A group of British scientists has made so Starstream, a device that delivers water treated with ultrasound, creating bubbles able to distribute on the surfaces and to infiltrate even in the smallest crack. This mechanism allows you to play a very effective cleaning of medical instruments and in particular to reduce the use of chemical additives or high temperatures, as they normally do in sanitation procedures. The invention comes from Southampton University and has been awarded to Brian Mercer Award for Innovation of the Royal Society: is already in production, albeit limited, but hopefully soon to make it available to the general public. Professor Tim Leighton, head of the team of development, explained the operation of underwater bubbles: “Those balls of gas are normally still under water, but if you are hit with a sound field, here you create a motion of undulation. This movement generates a rub that cleans surfaces effectively. “

2) The acoustic guitar that becomes orchestra

The music evolves with new sounds, but the technology has not been able to replace the good old wooden instruments, despite the advent of computers, mixer and console can produce sounds and effects of all kinds. In a few months, however, the way of making music of many guitarists could change drastically, thanks to an invention already in the works for several years and that after a few steps is finally ready to be marketed. It is a tablet adhesive that adheres to the surface of the sound box of a normal acoustic guitar: works without the aid of wires or other accessories and turns an ordinary tool in a real orchestra free-standing .

ACPAD is a controller provided with fully programmable keys via the PC with any sound, but is also able to record harmonies created when the guitar itself, which are then played repeatedly as background music for the song you are performing. The results are truly amazing and in fact the Kickstarter campaign, which required only 40 thousand euro, reached in a few months almost 300 thousand euro, giving a further boost to the manufacturing process. It can already pre-order this little gem, the price is certainly not cheap, it comes to 250 Euros and 350 Euros for preorder for when it will be sold, but the potential is there for all guitarists and most enterprising will likely compete to aggiudicarsene one.

3) The wireless speaker for maniacs perfect audio

‘a room’s decor may follow different criteria, the main one is the aesthetic, he wants to reward the eye filling spaces evenly. But you can also follow the usefulness and effectiveness, with furniture and objects that are adapted to the shape of the room. Music lovers and sound but prefer the acoustics, especially in the rooms of the house where there are televisions or speakers for music playback, which often are placed without any particular hesitation, but definitely changing their playback quality depending on where they lay.

Often, however, the houses are small, few rooms and space management leaves little alternative. For this reason HiddenHub born, a chest wireless can play music from any source with high quality and equipped with all the latest technologies. Accelerometer, functions Touch , internal battery, USB charger, but also ability to be positioned anywhere in the room without affecting the quality of play.

The plant consists of speaker omnidirectional which are capable of detecting the reverberation of sound waves in the room, thanks to managing complicated mathematical calculations the perfect sound output. You can even attach it to a vertical wall behind a sofa, or simply place it in a corner of the room, the device will understand the distance from the surrounding objects and calculate the best playback modes, giving off sound waves in different directions with different intensity. The look minimal, reminiscent of Apple products, also makes HiddenHub perfect as an object of design , which certainly does not hurt, and it has raised a staggering 1 million 200 thousand dollars on Kickstarter, despite having asked for 200 thousand.

4) The first machine to recycle the paper by yourself Office

The offices around the world are constantly invaded by the paper, often was forced to throw into the bin for recycling hundreds and hundreds of pages useless to open space and rich enough to buy supplies to cover future needs. Epson could simplify the work of many people, he has created the PAPERLAB, which is the first compact system in the world for self-paper recycling directly in your office.

It does not need water and is can produce sheets of A4 or A3, typically the most used, but also business cards, colored paper and even scented. It is capable of creating about 14 A4 sheets per minute, which in a working day of eight hours is equivalent to 6720 sheets, thanks to technology called Dry Fiber Technology, which works in three stages: during the first phase, the waste paper is shredded in long, thin fibers; These fibers are then compacted and combined with binders that can be white, colored or donate different fragrances and strengths; Finally, the sheet is cut out according to the necessity in the required format. It will be available in Japan as early as January 2016 but soon arrive in Europe.

5) Windscreen with night vision thanks to graphene


The night vision goggles not I am nothing new. In the military environment, in fact, already for years exist devices which allow the soldiers to get a visual more or less clear even in very low light. The main mechanism used up to now is the one that detects the different sources of heat, and is therefore able to signal the presence of enemies, but this technology is rather inconvenient, because it requires advanced circuits that filter cooling the heat developed by the devices themselves . These issues make it very uncomfortable night vision goggles and heavy, and above all expensive. For this reason, scientists at MIT, in collaboration with Harvard University, the University of California and the United States Army, have sought a more functional.

The answer was found in graphene, a material consisting of a layer of carbon atoms with a hexagonal structure, able to withstand pressures 200 times higher than those of steel and highly sensitive to infrared signals. The scientists then created an infrared sensor on the basis of graphene sheets, capable of converting heat into electrical signals, other strips of graphene also retain the sensor suspended and isolated from the rest of the device, dissipating the heat and transferring electrical signals. The prototype works flawlessly and thanks to these features completely new could open the market for viewers to areas common civil, such as car windscreens, that this material could provide a perfect view even in very low visibility.


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