From November 25 Milan is in emergency pollution. The Milan for over 86 days in 2015 has had a pollution level above the threshold limit of 50 micrograms of PM10 per cubic meter , even reaching values of 110 micrograms per cubic meter, more than double the value limit. An autumn-winter without rain, high temperatures, above seasonal averages, pollutant emissions from vehicles and heating systems. All this has led to a very serious situation. Throughout Italy is more and more smog emergency, with the values of pollutants beyond the limits of safety.
According to the European Environment Agency (EEA) is Italy the country of the European Union marking the record in the number of premature deaths compared to the normal life expectancy for air pollution: in 2012 recorded 84,400 such deaths, a total of 491mila at EU level. Three pollutants under fire: the micro fine particles (PM2.5), the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the ‘ ozone , one in the lower layers of the atmosphere (O3), in which the study attributes respectively 59,500, 21,600 and 3,300 premature deaths in Italy. The most affected area in Italy is the Po Valley , with Monza, Milan, Brescia and Torino but the phenomenon affects also other large cities such as Rome, Florence, Naples, Bologna , reaching up to Cagliari. E ‘need to search for useful interventions to reduce them to protect the health of the entire population, particularly of vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with specific diseases such as asthma and cardiovascular disease. are important both action plans public is aware and individual behaviors aimed at reducing both pollution exposure both staff and their families.
Fortunately an important help also comes from new technologies . One of these is the Italian startup Airlite , which through the use of a patented technology that applies like a paint can reduce pollutants up to 88.8%. To give an idea of painting the exterior of a 7-storey building (1000 square meters) in 12 hours would be removed pollution from over 70 car gasoline Euro 6. Taking into account that in Province of Milan There are, according to data of the 2011 census, about 280,000 buildings, and that there are about 1.8 million vehicles, considering a yield of 50%, if only 20% of the buildings present in the province would use this technology, it would be possible to eliminate every day the exhaust gases of all cars present in the Province.
“ This is a technology that works similar to photosynthesis in plants: use the ‘ light energy to produce ionization of the air near the surface – says Antonio Cianci , Kauffman Fellow and co-founder of the company – making it possible, on contact with air polluted with the surface, the transformation of pollutants hazardous to health, including nitric oxide, in water-soluble mineral salts, the same ones that are found in the mineral water, which are absolutely harmless. This technology is also applicable in offices and homes, which reduces pollution even inside buildings, where people spend most of the time, making the environment more healthy and livable “.
Airlite recently presented in Milan with the association Nursery, major nonprofit Milan, and Retake Milan committed to the removal of illegal graffiti in the city with the help of volunteers and unemployed people, a project called “Forest Building,” just to sensitize the city of what is possible (as well as to close the traffic) to make the city more livable for its citizens. “ nursery has been working for years to promote projects that will bring Milan to the leadership role of culture and industry that are proper – continuous Andrea Zoppolato Nursery – We would like Milan to launch a challenge to the world, even winning this, as it has done for the Expo to become the leading city in technology to reduce pollution . E ‘an ambitious challenge, but it can be won by uniting the traditional measures (reduction of pollution sources, development of public transport, use of heating systems more efficient), also innovations technology that address the problem from a different point of view “.
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