Italy wants to prepare the future and Genomes Project
With the mega-store DNA of individual treatment will be tailored
Genomics, understood as the field of research and technological development, it has the potential for innovation, and thus boost economic science to basics
It seems incredible, but maybe we’re hooking the train the most promising scientific and technological innovation in progress. The law of stability in the approval by the Parliament contains an amendment to introduce a ‘Genomes Project Italy “, on which the government, and then the Ministry of Health, will invest attention and 15 million Euros in three years.
This is a fund to start and also recall the contributions of individuals. The invitation was smartly collected by ENPAM, the National Security Doctors, who has pledged to invest at least another 15 million. Probably, that is, hopefully, they will come into play other players and, if there are the conditions to start, you can decide what features give the project. That is what you choose to obtain genomic information from sequencing the genomes of several thousand citizens enrolled with all the guarantees considered necessary.
The quality and then the novelty and usefulness of the information will have to attract capital, including international ones, because with 30 million you can just start working. To give a few examples of international projects for the sequencing of individual genomes underway, Britain has invested 300 million pounds for “Genomic England”, that in four years sequenzierà 100 thousand genomes of 70 thousand patients and their families. The US has committed over 200 million dollars just to understand how to invest in the “Precision Medicine Initiative”, with the goal of sequencing the genomes of a million. It is also in this case of sunk, but strategic because in those countries it was understood that research and innovation in genomics ensure economic development. As noted by President Obama, every dollar invested in expensive Human Genome Project is multiplied by 140!
Genomics, understood as the field of research and technological development, has the potential for innovation, and thus boost economic science to basics. Suffice it to say that the cost and time to sequence a genome are passed from 3-400mila dollars for a month’s work, about $ 1,000 for about a day’s work-machine and a latest generation sequencer scans 20 thousand genomes year to a very high level of precision. To these must be added the cost and time course bioinformatic analysis to give meaning to the text written in a genome.
What will come from projects that finance the sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of thousands and millions of genomes in perspective it is partly predictable and partly not. They are not predictable advances knowledge, certainly extraordinary, and The possible applications of a more advanced understanding of how the genome governs human biology. Of course, because it is already happening, it will improve safety and efficiency and reduce the cost of medicine. In fact, since we are the result of biological evolution, which in turn acts as Darwin understood, individual genetic variations are the norm. Not the exception.
Each of us, apart from the monochorionic twins, has a unique genome of departure, resulting from the recombination of half of the genomes of parents, more mutations or alterations incidental. These may result, when the sequences are translated into proteins that hold the body together dynamically, in a broadly acceptable operation (health) or by some physiological abnormality and then to a disease or a predisposition to become ill in the future more or less indefinite, or even to an abnormal reaction to a drug. Thousands of genes are already known and implicated in several diseases, from cancer to heart disease to neurodegenerative diseases or mental. And there are hundreds of genes that control the individual’s ability to respond or not to a drug, or suffer side effects of taking the drug, or sick, if one is exposed to an environmental factor.
With the expansion of knowledge on genetic variations, and thus to the development of tests that will become more and more precise, you can make better decisions and understand treatment and prevention and, therefore, “aim” on who is to risk of sick or can be treated with a drug or must not be exposed to specific risk factors. It’s called precision or custom, this will be the future of medicine, focused on the patient.
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