The research and innovation are the new strategies adopted by the European Union aims to strengthen its competitiveness , create jobs and foster the right climate for the development of new ideas and sciences. Often it is the investment in research that arise innovations and technological achievements that can create new industries and the expansion of markets. The current crisis creates an environment in which a flurry of news can lead to a horizon of opportunities able to establish itself in the European innovation landscape: in this direction Horizon 2020 will ensure competitiveness in terms of know-how of the European Union.
Horizon 2020 is the financing tool for scientific research and innovation of the European Commission which has a budget allocated among the highest in the world: almost 80 billion euro , for seven years ( 2014-2020 ). The funds are directly managed and help to fund research projects or actions innovation in science and technology that can make a significant impact on the lives of European citizens.
They can point to the funds all natural or legal persons , regardless of their place of origin. The first issues of the Horizon 2020 recount, against the light, of an Italy third highest number of projects submitted, but the twentieth for accepted projects: a tangible sign that in our country there are innovative ideas, but fail most likely to find the location more suitable to express themselves and come to the surface.
And just to know and orientation effectively within all the mechanisms of the European Framework Programme Research and innovation Maggs Publisher has the e-book Horizon 2020 : a useful tool to guide one of the main aims of the program. But we try to understand together how you structure and composed the e-book.
The first part is aimed to inform the new European Framework Programme analyzing the main purpose research actions and beneficiaries who may participate in the financing.
The second section outlines the how to present innovative ideas , cutting-edge ideas and procedures for participation in tenders . They are then describes the criteria by which establish and seek a partnership that ensures scientific cooperation and the requirement of “transnational” within projects.
The third part of the instrument is finally all aspects refer to the phase of presentation of the proposal informing the reader about the major steps to be taken to participate with their own idea of innovation (screened for eligibility before being evaluated) and to create an archive data in which to place their progress reports.
The e-book is prepared by the work team composed of Melania Braghin Cristiano Collesi, Giorgia and Mancinelli Domenico Pepe
Horizon 2020
Melania Braghin Cristiano Collesi, Giorgia Mancinelli, Domenico Pepe , 2015 Maggs Publisher
The research and innovation are the new strategies adopted by the European Union in order to strengthen its competitiveness, create jobs and promote the right climate for the development of new ideas and sciences. Often it is the investment in …
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