Thursday, December 31, 2015

Electronic identity card with fingerprints and will on … – The Republic

Rome – Here comes the new Electronic Identity Card (acronym ‘surface’). Interior Minister Angelino Alfano has published in the Official Journal of 30 December (in coordination with the Ministries of Economy and Finance, and the simplification of public administration), the decree with the rules of the emission standards laid down in dl ‘Local Authorities ‘. The delivery of the ‘surface’ will take place “within 6 working days.” At the Interior Ministry has set up an interministerial commission that will monitor the various phases of the project.

In the document there will not only personal data, as in the traditional, but also other information such as, for example, fingerprints (excluding children) and the data (optional) on the willingness or refusal of donation of organs and tissues.

THE DOCUMENT The decree published in the journal

A history of 20 years. The project is in the works for almost twenty years. The operation was designed in 1997, had recorded several experiments and also the release of some electronic ID cards. It is also thought of a digital document only with the incorporation of the health card. But everything stopped .

We try again the government Renzi. Right at the end of 2015, the government Renzi tries again to complete the old project. Think of a new type of “digital paper” integrated. It allocates in dl ‘local authorities’ last summer also of the resources for this purpose.

What’s new in Cie. A lot of news of the’ identity card electronics’, compared to the traditional paper version. In addition to fingerprints (children excluded) and the possibility for older indicate the willingness to donate organs or not, there will be a pin that allows access to online services dedicated. The Cie will be made with the typical techniques of the cards values ​​and will have a microprocessor for the storage of data. The plan for the release will be gradual and milestones will be established by an ad hoc committee.

& # xE0 identity card, electronic fingerprints and willingness xE0 & #; on organ donation

The facsimile of the front of the ‘surface’

Names of the parents and the tax code. The information detailed in the new document, appear the names of the parents and the tax code.

The methods of release. The card – explains the third of the 19 articles of the measure – will be carried out “with the typical techniques of the card production values” and integrated “with a microprocessor for storing information necessary to verify the identity of the holder, including biometrics, as well as for network authentication. “

The release request is made by the city office master the municipality of residence or at the consulate, if all residents’ foreign: municipality or Consulate acquire directly “by the applicant biometric primary” and “secondary”, “signature” and, for adults only, the “optional information related to the will ‘or refusal of donation of organs and tissues” in case death: those who want to change the will previously indicated can do so by contacting the local health authorities of belonging, the hospitals, the general practices or regional centers for transplants.

& # xE0 identity card, electronic fingerprints and willingness xE0 & #; on organ donation

The facsimile of the back of the ‘surface’

The infrastructure to ‘public key’. A complex system known as public key ( public key infrastructures ) is responsible for ensuring the certification of identification data contained in the microprocessor, the protection of data, and the safety of the circuit for issuing and checking the ‘surface’.

The Privacy Guarantor supervise intelligence activities. The Guarantor shall ensure data security and system concerning the processing of personal data, and be responsible for updating and alignment of the system in relation to technological developments, the European directives, and possible interactions with other systems EID and other government initiatives of strategic national and international security.

The Pin. is the secret code necessary staff to the use of services that require authentication in the network.

The electronic tag. The national demographic services (to be accessed by police headquarters) contains biographical information, photograph, scanned handwritten signatures.

It is not mandatory. According to Article 4 of the decree, the ‘surface’ is not compulsory: “The request of the issuance of the ‘surface’ is presented by the citizen at the registry office of the municipality of residence “. The fact that it is not obligatory, may be the reason for a new project failure. You can not, in fact, know if people must set up the digital document, or if you prefer to keep the paper version.


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