Lucca, December 28, 2015 – Benefits to open a virtual store . Even for small farms can now dive into the global market. They can sell wine, oil, jams, honey and other products of their basket. In the province of Lucca at least 2 of 3 farms, lack the means, the resources and skills to invest on ‘ eCommerce Despite a market that is tempting at all, and not just the giants the virtual sale. In practice, 95%, do not have access to e-commerce. To say it is Coldiretti confirming the importance of the facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry who chose to support the digital revolution, and the creation and expansion of infrastructure, through the tax credit (info ).
Thanks to the use of the tax credit at last, small and medium businesses think to start e-commerce. “A small family business that has so far always saw the web as a unrivaled market will, at last, to think of attacking groups of consumers otherwise unattainable. – Explains Cristiano Genovali, President Coldiretti Lucca – The level of digitalization of agricultural enterprises at the local level, the same trend applies to the entire country, is delayed. The process of generational change, which imprinted a new boost the resources of the call young people of the Tuscany Region, is in progress. These concessions approach the future for small businesses. ” To benefit from the facilities are small and medium-sized enterprises, including consortia and cooperatives that produce food products, fisheries and aquaculture.
They are the subsidized – says Coldiretti – the costs incurred the development of e-commerce related to technological equipment software, design, implementation and development of the database, and safety systems. The tax credit is granted to the interventions made after March 14, 2015, date of entry into force of the implementing decree, with mandates from the tax period in progress at 31 December 2014 and in the following two. The measure of the tax credit varies from 10% to 40% with a maximum of 50,000 euro. The tax credit due to be shown in the tax return for the tax period for which it is granted and may only be used in compensation. To get the tax credit you will have to follow a process governed by the same Ministry that can be downloaded from the Mipaaf. For information on benefits you can contact the offices Coldiretti on the province between Lucca, Versilia and Garfagnana.
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