Simplifying SMEs to unlock growth : for small and medium-sized enterprises is crucial to design your own business with a view to simplification since the start of its activities, with the support of technology. To confirm it is the SAP research on the simplification of SMEs carried out globally and presented at the Summit of SAP for SMEs that was held in New York City on November 10, 2015. Typically, as we add these new businesses grow software and processes your organization, which introduce procedural complexity , creating a network of disconnected solutions that can hinder the efficiency and growth itself.
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According to the findings from the survey:
- nearly three-quarters (72%) of managers and team members said that the complexity of the business has often undermined efforts made to achieve the objectives of the process and decision-making;
- more than 30% said that the very complexity of technology has “strongly inhibited” the ability to achieve the set objectives;
- 58% pointed the finger directly on the complexity of the technology as the main culprit for the failure.
While these growing companies see the need to exploit the technology in the near future, only about half (49%) of senior management attributes to the simplification of strategic importance . The percentage rises to 65% if you ask them if they believe that it will be of great strategic importance within the next three years.
To Rodolpho Cardenuto, President, Global Operations Partner, SAP:
“Today simplification of the business for small and medium enterprises is more important than ever. The interconnected global economy has opened up opportunities for small businesses that have never existed before, but they come with new challenges. Companies that think and plan from the beginning how to streamline operations in the long term grow faster and perform better. “
Small and medium businesses need to solutions technological safe that allow them to “start simple and stay simple” with minimal risk or disruption of services. The path to simplification requires a strategic plan that allows to get to be digital, connected and able to grow their business. In the digital economy simplification it becomes more strategic and crucial to the growth of the business. Most small and medium-sized enterprises are able to design systems to help them stay simple, quickly grow their business.
Research conducted by Knowledge @ Wharton and SAP on small and medium-sized enterprises has been achieved by 433 interviews between managers and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises: 60% North America, 23% Asia Pacific, 15% in Europe, and 2% Middle East and Africa. The 85% of companies surveyed had less than $ 500 million in annual revenue, and 15% had an annual turnover between 500 million and one billion.
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