Monday, December 21, 2015

The virtues of the territories and delays of politics – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on Dec. 21, 2015 at 8:35.

Until robots, artificial intelligence and biomedical impact on the quality of our lives making it more smooth, durable and safe in a plausible near future, for now it depends most of what they have done to date our local ruling classes. Unfortunately, they have combined all the colors. In these years of crisis, the European leadership has not spared us sacrifices and indecisionismo was almost a rule that prisoners held our national elites. Why you should not just throw in the cross on him to localism.

However, the declining scores on quality of life (as evidenced by the series of survey Sole 24 Ore) and the declining confidence of the local population against the directors show that the elites of many of our Cities are accused of not having sufficiently protected the environment in which we live and our public life. Not by chance, if there is a recent improvement in the economic situation, the social remains inaccessible. In short, local elites have not done enough, while the policy is only a small part of what you are going and how you react to the incident much more.

For these reasons, if the public looks with curiosity to the results of the now classic inquiry into the quality of life of the Sun 24 hours, local officials fear it, because in many cases they have a guilty conscience as the fox in Aesop’s fable. And rightly so, because the survey is also a mapping of urban hardships, which are often neglected culpably by administrators.

Instead of fearing it, they should consider it a useful compass to improve the quality of life of their citizenship or even to verify the actual progress made in in this direction, as in the case of Milan, this year at the top of the ranking, preceded only by the small and privileged autonomous province of Bolzano. The new elite administrative, commercial, financial and cultural premises were able to bring to the city of Milan take significant steps forward. It is the only major Italian cities whose GDP grew in the years of crisis, as in almost all the European area to which it belongs, the axis from Manchester and London turns south through Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Frankfurt and Monaco, Zurich and Innsbruck to Milan and Turin. The French geographer Roger Brunet called Blue Banana this ridge European densely populated, economic and financial. With a standard of living among the top four highest among European cities, Milan is also on the rise as global gate (one person in six is ​​born abroad).

The Mercer livability rankings in the big cities of the world sees just one step below London. This ascent was anything but obvious for a city that until 25 years ago was the focus of the so-called “industrial triangle”. It was therefore subjected to a major turnaround pushing new business, financial, academic, communications and advanced services to businesses, up to sighting the recent success of the Expo. If you ever have to wonder to what extent the creation of the metropolitan polycentric on which insists Milan (over 7 million inhabitants). In the ranking, the Greater Milan is still rather uneven in quality of life: it goes from good placement of Monza to the very modest of Pavia, just a notch above the lowest ranking, full of southern cities.

Unfortunately, the ranking reinforces the idea of ​​the deep fault line that separates the North from the South: it slipped to fifth from Palermo and Naples, a city historic European languishing in 101st place.

The inequality between North and South is proposed at various levels. The employment rate, for example, is almost double compared to Bolzano in Reggio Calabria and Milan is 70% higher than Naples. The Gini index, which measures income inequality, is about 15% higher in the South than in the North. Lombardy, which is similar to French values, is 30% less than in Campania (similar to the Bulgarian one) and 25% of that in Sicily (on the values ​​Romanian). This has painful implications as the sense of relative deprivation of the southern or the great suffering of the middle classes in the South than in the North. Families in relative poverty (50% in Calabria) are three times more in the South than in the North. The South that remains is the primacy of a low rate of old age: but this can not enjoy because of the devastating youth unemployment.

It is true that for years lacking a national policy for the South, but it is equally certain that the southern elites have been able to exploit the autonomy granted to set local development policies. Like the southern delays (SVIMEZ 2015), even the placement of Roma, below its potential, it appears a novelty, after the disaster of credibility caused by mafia capital. Jubilee and the coming elections can raise “the great beauty” Capitoline.

Instead, half a novelty comes from the realization that the crisis has dealt a few blows to the territories of more small and medium-sized enterprises and small and medium-sized cities, in particular in urban quadrangle Veneto (Verona, Vicenza, Venice and Treviso). The dawn of the new technological age seems to smile more to the Lombard metropolis that semiperipheral to the territories of the Central and North-East. Italy provincial however good cards to play in terms of business and human resources: the quality of life goes hand in hand with the made in Italy and Florence, on the rise, it seems to stand as an urban center in the middle of Italy.



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