Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The role and functions of Deans before and after the law “The Good … – Horizon School

The role of the Heads of the Institute, over time, has undergone major transformations, especially since 1997, when it was enacted the law on school autonomy.

The Law n. 59/97, on the Autonomy in fact, assigned to the heads of the Institute management function, transforming the Deans and Head teachers in school leaders.

Functions, Duties and Powers of DDSS, Autonomy in the school, until the approval of the law n. 107/2015, have been defined and regulated by law n. 59/97, from D.L.vo n. 59/98, Presidential Decree no. 275/99 and D.L.vo n. 165/01, under which the Director is the legal representative of the Institute, it is the unity of the institution and is responsible for managing the same.

Specifically, these rules allow the DS:

  • jointly manage the school;
  • legally represent the institution that directs;
  • manages the financial resources, human and material;
  • direct and coordinate human resources;
  • organize school activities based on criteria of effectiveness and efficiency;
  • Make sure the quality of training, cultural cooperation, professional, social and economic territory of interacting with local authorities, the freedom of educational choice of families and the right to learning.

Specific tasks relating to the administration of the School are:

  • the presidency of the College of Teachers, the Class Council, the Evaluation Committee and the Executive Committee the School Council;
  • the execution of the resolutions of these colleges;
  • the maintenance of relations with the central and local education authorities (Ministry and Superintendency);
  • class formation, the role of teachers, the schedule of classes (along with the School Committee).

The powers and duties, as described above, have been enhanced Law no. 107/2015, which reads the Comma 1, gives full effect to autonomy of educational institutions.

The powers and duties of the DS, briefly described in paragraph 78 of the same law, continuing the pattern laid down by the rules mentioned above:

“the head teacher, in accordance with the jurisdiction of collegial, subject to the individual and national levels of enjoyment of the right to education, it ensures effective and efficient management of human, financial, technological and materials, as well as’ the common elements of the public school system, ensuring its smooth running. For this purpose, it carries out tasks of leadership, management, organization and coordination and and ‘responsible for managing the financial and material resources and the results of the service in accordance with Article 25 of Legislative Decree 30 March 2001 n. 165, as well as’ use of human resources. “

The most important new features are introduced, however, in paragraphs 4, 79, 80 and 127.

Paragraph 4 provides that the Manager defines addresses, for the school’s activities and choices of management and administration, to be followed in the PTOF.

Paragraphs 79 and 80 stipulate that the school year 2016/17, are the managers to fill the posts of staff autonomy, common lounges and priority support, offers ndo three-year assignments (one that has been widely described as “direct call”) teachers to the role assigned to the territorial reference . The proposal of appointment to the faculty is formulated in line with the Three-Year Plan for Education and, on the basis of the curriculum, experience and professional skills and also an interview.

Paragraph 127 attributes, finally, the Headmaster of the task enhance the merit of professors by assigning a sum of money, paid by appropriate provisions required by paragraph 126. The criteria for identifying the most deserving teachers are established the amended Evaluation Committee (paragraph 129).

Let’s look at the above paragraphs, identifying the innovative capacity.

Paragraph 4 gives the D.S. attribution of key importance, since he will show, for processing PTOF, addresses (first established by the Board of the Institute) for the organization of the teaching curriculum and extracurricular, for the upgrading of the training, for project activities also in agreement with the authorities and local associations, for the training of all teaching and non .

‘importance of this award, thanks to which it is possible to outline a significant identity educational institution which he is responsible, is demonstrated by the fact that the signs of the DS They will be submitted to the consideration of the two main governing bodies of the school: the Academic Board, which processes the PTOF and the school board, which the resolution.

Paragraphs 79 and 80 will result in a real “revolution” of the competences of the DS and the running of the institution school itself. The “direct call” of teachers, in fact, allow the manager to identify the most suitable teachers, based on their professional skills and experience, the Offer Training School. It is true that is left wide discretion to the Headmaster, considered that the proposal can also be based on talks, but it is true that the criteria adopted by the commission must be transparent and public. The provisions of paragraphs cited above may be critical to improve the quality and effectiveness of Studies, as the DS concretely has the ability to relate the learning needs of students with the skills of teachers in order to make the best choice.

Paragraph 127, such as 79 and 80, goes in the direction of a school to guide management, where the manager is to reward their employees.

The increase in powers Headmaster, however, assisted by corporate bodies of the School, is directly related to the implementation of Autonomy school, so schools will be difficult to effectively autonomous without a skills enhancement of DDSS


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