“The technological power, in the hands of nationalistic ideologies or falsely universalistic, is capable of producing terrible atrocities”. So says Pope Francis in your speech at the general meeting of the ‘ UN , which has bestowed appreciation because of the efforts aimed at overcoming barriers and borders.
Bergoglio had focused its attention on technologies encyclical Praised Yes widespread in June ; On that occasion, the Pope wrote that “humanity has entered a new era in which the power of technology puts us at a crossroads. We are the heirs of two centuries of huge waves of change: the steam engine, the railroad, the telegraph, electricity, the automobile, the airplane, the chemical industry, modern medicine, computer science and more recently The digital revolution, robotics, biotechnology and nanotechnology. It is right to rejoice for these advances and excited in front of the wide possibilities that we open these novelties “, because, and quoted the Address to the representatives of science, culture and of Higher Studies in the University of the United Nations held by John Paul II Hiroshima in February 1981, “Science and technology are a wonderful product of human creativity that is a gift of God.”
However, the Pope continued, “we can not ignore that nuclear energy, the biotechnology, information technology, knowledge of our own DNA and other capabilities that we have acquired we offer a tremendous power. Indeed, damage to those who hold the knowledge and especially the economic power to exploit a domain impressive on the whole human race and the whole world. Mankind has never had so much power over itself and nothing can guarantee that it will use well, especially considering the way in which he is serving. Just remember the atomic bombs dropped in the middle of the twentieth century, as the largest deployment of technology flaunted by Nazism, communism and other totalitarian regimes at the service of the extermination of millions of people, not to mention that now the war has tools more and more deadly. In whose hands are and which can reach as much power? It’s terribly risky that it resides in a small part of humanity. “
25 September 2015
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