Monday, September 21, 2015

Comes the potato chip fast: the first in the world that is fried at home in 25 … – Tiscali

Here comes the ‘ speed chips ‘, the first potato chip in the world able to fry at home in just 25 seconds. And ‘the result of an innovative project completed after two years of study, the technological district agribusiness ( Give ), public-private structure made up of Apulian farms, universities and research bodies, created to increase the competitive advantage of the Italian production system.

The aim of the new potato almost ready, you create food fast food but quality , which are ‘fast’ in preparation, able to maintain all the characteristics of the fresh product without additives and preservatives; This, the researchers said, to meet the needs of consumers who have less time to cook but want to eat in a healthy way.

The ‘ speed chips’, which is being patented, will be launched at European level in the supermarket chains and can be stored for 24 months before being consumed. The potatoes will be produced from next May in Apulia three cooperatives associated Fedagri and, thanks to a special process of drying, a time in the fryer will not absorb oil.

Fundamental workmanship will own production stage , the researchers point out, because it will be necessary to have perfect potatoes without any bacteriological factor. The transformation will be made by the company that is part of the cooperative Farris Giardinetto which Giorgio Mercuri is the president. A novelty from which are expected turnovers for the coming years, from 8 to 10 million euro at the EU level. In particular, products on the market will be two: the classic potato, type jack croc to fry in 25 seconds and the rustic with the peel, slightly thicker, for which the second will serve


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