Thursday, September 17, 2015

What modernity in Jobs Act? – Corriere della Sera

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Silvia Pagliuca

The point is: the modernity of the work. After the final approval of the last four-regulations of the Jobs Act, Adapt, the Association for International and Comparative Studies on labor law and industrial relations founded by prof. Marco Biagi , track his (tough) analysis.

It is clear from the outset that the main weakness of the Jobs Act is having reconfirmed old dualisms , as one between public and private, and between old and new employees “as if the price for accessing the labor market of young people – the researchers explain Francesco Nespoli, Francesco Seghezzi and Michele Tiraboschi – could not be more than a mere reduction of their protection. “

A closer look, in fact, the contract safeguards is growing, according to scholars, a hasty headlong rush to do but Two and more steps back , giving old answers to new problems.

And this because of the lack of a flexicurity in the round, which adequately balances the possibility of incoming and output, “because Warranty Young – highlight by Adapt – showed that active policies in Italy there are still long and there will be. (…) It is not enough, therefore, the elimination art. 18 to modernize the labor market. Indeed, if this is not followed by coherent, only likely to cause imbalances that in a situation of very low employment simply can not afford. “

It seems necessary, however, put on the person of worker , its expertise, its creativity. Eyes open, therefore, of co-working, collaboration platforms online, start-up based on the sharing economy, but also manufactures digital and on-demand economy.

All expressions of a working model radically changed by new technological and demographic change. Situations that can not be interpreted only according to economic dictates, but that deserve a real social study .

“We live in an age where it’s hard to imagine the same job for life, or even just for ten years. You work and you work more and more for projects , missions, precise and measurable results in the short term. This is the challenge to be “- continue the researchers concluded:” After the Jobs Act the responsibility of each of us are lighter and do not really have no more excuses: a new vision of work is more urgent than ever. “

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