Netflix will arrive in Italy in October (there are rumors the 16) but I want to put out a little ‘enthusiasm. The event in itself is interesting only if we understand it in a bigger picture, which is turning the world of production, distribution and sale of content.
On this point I d ‘Some experts agree with whom I could talk, including Carlo Alberto Carnevale Caffè (Bocconi University of Milan) and Bruno Zambardino (University of Rome, I-Com observatory ).
Perhaps the uncritical fan of American technological innovations do not realize that here the world of Netflix is old stuff.
The multinational so far snubbed our country (and rightly so, from the point of view of business computing) and then in the meantime, the national champions are grown. TimVision, Sky and Infinity have a rich catalog (6000 film), and although some have some holes, as a matter of exclusive, Netflix can not do better. The three basic prices that are almost half those of Netflix to launch and have more structured relationships with operators, making them more affordable (some are free with fiber connections and ADSL) and, perhaps, work even better ( exploiting the content delivery network of Telecom Italy, which instead Netflix – to save – not currently use).
Here Netflix will not even do as much leverage on content that has produced, since the better known ones are already licensed exclusively to competitors (the series Orange is the new Black to Mediaset and House of Cards Sky).
Digging digging, what remains in the hands of Netflix , as a real advantage on competitors? A flat that includes all (as with other innovations have to be paid separately) and support 4K (for which, however, serves the fiber). And some competitors does not take much to create an offer that includes these things. Everything else is marketing and brand power. Maybe someone will have Netflix deem more “cool” than TimVision, Infinity and Sky, but certainly not a rational choice and maybe not so widespread among the population (those who know the name Netflix among your friends who do not read technological sites? Give it a try).
Rather, the nascent revolution is another : the integration of what previously was fragmented between different countries and actors in the world of movies and TV series.
Netflix integrates itself three figures: producer (more often), distributor and seller to the final public.
Not only : it does on a global scale (in more and more countries). “At the film festival in Venice, just concluded, for the first time we have seen a film produced by Netflix: Beasts of No Nation . He will also probably the first one that we will not see in theaters, “says Zambardino. That alone would be enough to get a sense of change.
Ditto Amazon, which aims to produce twelve films a year, starting this 2015. The first, Chi-Raq , has Spike Lee as director and it should be out in December. It is rumored that Apple could become a producer. It would be a perfectly logical, is compatible with the latest (the upgrading of the Apple TV) and with the historic vocation of Apple’s vertical integration (hardware-software developed in house, and you may just add a third leg, the content).
You could say that we are moving towards a future in which few multinational companies will make us constant companionship, in our things, making sure from top to bottom (end-to-end) to a variety of needs.
However, the picture is more complex than that, because even many traditional subjects are being organized to that effect. “More than the launch of Netflix, the news really important in this area is the covenant-Vivendi Telecom Italy to make international productions. One area in which in Italy and in Europe we have been historically weak, “says Zambardino. And never mind that, as often happens in the world of information, “important” and “popular” are poles apart. “The alliance between the two is obviously favored by the fact that Vivendi has become the major shareholder of Telecom Italy,” motivates the teacher of Wisdom. The trend towards internationalization could also be promoted by the falls of the barriers in territorial copyright (the “geo-blocking”), now in discussion in Europe with the package Digital single market.
All the background that may not change just the way you sell and benefit works (this has already happened with the advent of streaming and is now “old thing”). But also the way that the content itself is born. A revolution, this, that has implications far deeper and still largely unexplored.
Rome, September 2015
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