Sunday, September 27, 2015

The new Rural Development Plan: Simona Caselli in Brisighella –

“New Plan of Rural Development: Opportunities for the Romagna Faenza?” Is the title of the initiative, organized by the Democratic Party, to show the news of the RDP 2014-2020 and the main characteristics of calls to support competitiveness of agricultural and agri-food, promoting environmental sustainability and efficient use of water resources, land and soil, and to accompany a balanced development of rural areas, especially in the most fragile areas of the region.

After the greetings of President of the Union, John Malpezzi , and the Secretary of the Democratic Party Romagna Faenza, Federica Degli Esposti , attended by the Regional Councillor Manuela Rontini and the Mayor Brisighella, David Missiroli , together with representatives of the Association of Central and agricultural cooperatives.

“This plan – says Manuela Rontini , President of the Regional Commission Territory Environment – invests heavily in ‘innovation, research and technology transfer; It focuses on the hills and mountains, designed as an environment strategy for homeland security; looks to the future, focusing firmly on the young and the generational. Moreover, there are public resources to one billion and 190 million euro, which will handle investments of approximately 2 billion. We believe that agriculture can be driver of development for the entire regional community. “
” Product quality – concluded Councillor Rontini – must remain the strategic choice of the bottom of our agriculture. At the same time, however, we must work together, with conviction, to achieve higher levels of efficiency, aggregation and innovation also unavoidable steps to restore profitability. “

” The Democratic Party of Romagna Faenza – says the Secretary surfed Federica Degli Esposti – has chosen to organize this initiative because we believe that agriculture is one of the fundamental pillars of the economy of our country, and at the same time the need to work for its growing enhancement is the first step in turning environmental protection into economic progress. We asked voluntary organizations and agricultural cooperation to intervene because we believe that politics should be able to listen, understand and interpret the needs of farmers and work with them to improve and innovate. “

The initiative is of course open to all citizens, who are invited to bring their contribution. Conclude the debate Simona Caselli , Regional Councillor with responsibility for agriculture, hunting and fishing.


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