Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Anas, before the recovery then the IPO – Milano Finanza

Before the recovery then the IPO. This is the goal of the management of Anas. “The goal is rehabilitating the Anas a business entity, focusing on investment gains and road maintenance: the listing is not just a topic of discussion,” he said today the president of the company, Gianni Armani, on the sidelines of a board CISL round, stating that the landing on the Milan Stock “is still an issue attributable to shareholders”.

As a result, “the shareholder can decide what to do once called into sixth Anas,” he added. The priority of management at the time is another, analyze budgets passed and clean up the litigation of EUR 13 billion which is equivalent to almost a point of GDP, a figure “not negligible”. For Armani it comes to finding a balance between Anas and businesses to bring an end to litigation, then, this year will be “passing”.

Another priority is the maintenance of the roads. Indeed, “Anas with 25,000 km has much more to keep you from doing it again.” Maintenance is on the other hand “the lever of a faster development. Making maintenance allows us to rebuild the organization. We have to bring the Anas to manage roads and to plan maintenance,” he said Armani.

In the 2015-2019 plan Anas 8.2 billion euro on 20 are, in fact, for the maintenance and upgrading of the existing network. From this year until 2019 the company will invest 195 million euro to the increase of the technological equipment of the plant. The contract for the program in 2015 is leading the way to the new course with 254 interventions on the national road network to a value of 1.1 billion, of these 222 interventions (520 million) for maintenance of the network.

> Maintenance is therefore an integral part of the design process. Before he was planning, it was being built and then there arose the issue of maintenance. “From now on it will be different”, he explained the number one company. Even for the CISL, which hosted the round table, the maintenance of the road network is important: “The streets”, stressed the Secretary General, Annamaria Furlan, “are the mirror of the country that once made large investments and now has abandoned “.

The plan of maintenance of the roads is a strategic element and therefore the CISL expressed the hope that investments in infrastructure, especially in the south, are readable in the Stability Law. According to Furlan, Anas “must take the role of the provinces in the maintenance of roads, bringing the center programming because in the past we have seen, even in this field, a country with two or three speeds.”

The goal, he explained Armani, remains that of financial autonomy. “A complex challenge that moves by the need to plan investments with predictable resources, without affecting the state coffers and therefore deconsolidated Anas by the government and the public debt.”

To go in this direction Anas is working with the government on a model similar rate as is the case for other regulated network services such as electricity, gas, water, telecommunications and airports. Essentially would turn state Anas part of the value of fuel paid by customer road when refueling.

Armani has ensured that the new legislation will be at no cost to users, there will be a toll. The decision is of course the government but “the benefits are, in particular to ensure the stability of financial flows Anas because without financial stability is difficult to guarantee investments”. And it is precisely because of this instability, said the president, who “are roads that started then are not completed due to lack of resources.”

The measure aims to get benefits for the state coffers and tip Anas exit from the perimeter of the public administration, a process that requires several steps including screening Istat and Eurostat . “The novelty is that you give the task of Transport Authority, which is a third party, to promote and decide rates. A model of this type is effective and addresses the cost of those who actually use the roads, our goal is to get them into the law of stability but does not depend on us, “said Armani.


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