The food guides for some years living a slow decline. Today there are few, and those who really have a sense are even less. Certainly the first place you have to put the “Inns of Italy” Slow Food (925 pages and 22 euro) presented in Bra in recent days on the occasion of Cheese. The guide of Hospitality is widespread ( 1,707 local from the Val d’Aosta to Sicily), written in a simple and tasty but also, for example, compared to the classic Michelin, deals with a price range (20 -40 €) which intercepts the bulk of the Italians.
The guide in some way helped to keep the spotlight on a key sector of Italian restaurants, the taverns, in the words of an inspired Carlin Petrini the stage set up in the center of Bra. “Cabarets – began the founder of Slow Food – are the essence of Italian cuisine. In France they are gutted to enhance their kitchen while the territory disappeared. Eventually they have sprung neo-bistro with caterers who agree to close – but I say to open up – in a less pompous. You pay the right and eat well. So France has returned to the taverns! In Spain the same thing: they disappeared taverns of the country and stated industrial agriculture. Today a great chef Ferran Adrià said we have to change, go back to the raw material, help farmers. Italy instead has kept this cornerstone of taverns spread throughout the country has become the richest element of European food. “
Image: Leo Rieser / Facebook
Petrini touched very hot topics: like the price. “The world of gastronomy is experiencing a paradoxical. Everything that revolves around food has an impressive success but do not see an economic return to the producer that is experiencing a disaster. We celebrate the goodness of these cheeses on display here at Cheese but milk is paid to 0.35 cents per liter! The problem is that the food is no longer a value but only a price. We are willing to spend any amount for the last devilry technology but not the right to food. On like this beautiful and made in Italy is destined to disappear. The price component in food is delicate: if it’s too expensive not good, cause revolutions, but if it is too low destroys food production, scares the peasants “.
And the owners of inns flocked from all over Italy to receive the prizes to those with the dome: “You are the little heroes, the world champions in squaring prices. It’s up to you to make a continuous nutrition education. Even a joke about a vegetable, a bit of information is essential. You have three types of social responsibility towards your customers, to the producers and against your people. Treat them well is a duty, not as I see do certain starred restaurants where the stars I’d give in to certain head chef! But Set aside a space to be happy. Do not die in your premises, exits, discover, inquire. A Cook closed his restaurant will never have the right leadership. “
We close with some data on driving. “The number of rooms has remained more or less the same – says Eugene Signoroni, editor of the book with Mark Bolasco – we are in 1707 with 146 new and replacement around 12%. During the year we receive reports of countless readers and members slow food that we always take seriously. If during the audit the place is under the level of quality that we demand we remove it from the guide. Among the regions it has grown Liguria, Campania and well there is an interesting replacement in Lazio. The places with the snail, that best interpret the Slow Food philosophy, are 250, 9 more than the previous edition. Price start from 20 Euros but there are special sections where you can spend less as the Venetian taverns where lunch less than 15 € or the cookers of Murgia. The novelty of the 2016 guide is the key indicating the inns with rooms to stay overnight. “
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