Saturday, September 26, 2015

Across Europe, Italians are the most couch potatoes –

All glued to the TV (traditional). The Peninsula beats the rest of Europe to the “consumption” of television. Each Italian spends at least four hours and 20 minutes a day in front of the small screen. It does not happen in any other country on the continent that the “television addiction” reaches peaks so high. But it is not the internet TV, that to see in stream on your home TV, computer or mobile phone, to place the beautiful country in first place in Europe. From the Alps to Sicily tv online experience is still niche: just 16 minutes a day are dedicated to Mr demand. And Italy ends up being a Cinderella when referring to the new frontiers of the video.

To generate the list of diets national television is the research firm Anglo-American “IHS Technology” which has its headquarters in the United States and that, eight thousand strong researchers, analyzed with its operational arm TV media intelligence service the television market in seventy countries around the world during the last year . The trend that emerges is a more abrupt transition from traditional TV to the web. But not in Italy. Here the “old” television that are reaching into the antenna remains the dominant authentic. The time that our families the reserve has grown from 2,008 to 2,014 four minutes forty-two seconds. Soon, you could say. Actually is proof of an orientation that has no equivalent in other countries: the incessant reminder that the digital terrestrial channels continue to have.

Supports the director of media and content “IHS Technology”, Dan Cryan, that “in Italy the steady growth especially of linear TV viewing can be attributed to the difficult economic times of the Peninsula, with a high unemployment rate . This may explain the increase in the average time spent per day watching TV. ” He adds that sluggish approach online. “Despite the investments we are not seeing the same kind of interest and at the same numbers that are registered in this field in other European countries.”

The assumption that you watch more TV when the company is worse may be a criterion for reading. But not enough to sum up the Italian case. An aging population is a factor to keep in mind when examining the country’s television audience. Then should be aware of the story: the RAI-Mediaset duopoly, which still dictates the rules of the market and the tastes of Italian, is supported by political choices that have not favored either the advent of the satellite (only arrived recently more vigorously thanks to Sky), or cable television (non-existent in the Peninsula). This has fossilized the viewer. And who today announces that the general television is dead or disappear soon it is belied by the strategies of the major television groups that are broadcast in Italy. Just look at what is happening in recent months with the choice of some “big” to focus on channels and for all, gleaning spaces on digital terrestrial and riversandoci over significant investments: so the pay-TV satellite Sky, which already has the Heaven generalist brand in the clear, he bought MTV to be the number 8 on the remote control and the Discovery group acquired Deejay TV at 9 that has just passed the final “all-Italian” of the US Open tennis. As if to say to win the Italian public need to follow the “tradition”.

This is demonstrated by the fact that among the families of the Peninsula in the TV
streaming It is contemplated only minimally. To penalize her is also the slowness of Internet connections in the country. Video web needs first of all an efficient network that he does arrive in the lounges with a good quality and without “tearing”. And Italy is in line with the international technology rankings. Just 14 million homes that can benefit from broadband. And for the most part they are concentrated in large urban centers. In addition it must also consider the idea (very Italian) that web content must itself be free. That’s why it is hard to see around the corner “a television revolution ‘license plate Netflix, named after the American giant of internet TV that is about to land in Italy, which has the world’s 65 million subscribers and it will offer less than ten Euros per month films, series and documentaries (but not news, sports and information programs) according to the logic of “I see what I want, at any time and in any place.”

The comparison with television audiences in other countries helps to better understand the Italian anomaly. In the United Kingdom – refers to the survey of “IHS” – the time for the traditional TV is now the lows: three hours a day in 2014 , a decrease of 14 minutes over the previous year. “The UK has been a pioneer in online services even by big broadcasters like the BBC and Channel 4 – Cryan says -. Today this route are combined marketing initiatives by Sky and the presence of platforms such as Netflix or Amazon Prime. ” The TV that comes from an English network devoted 67 minutes a day, the highest figure in Europe.

Even in France, the Web TV is emerging at the expense of the general who loses 10 minutes Vision daily. transalpine watch television settles on three hours and 36 minutes a day. “The use of online services is growing”, tells Cryan. The time for the tv network is expanded by 17% and the largest increases concern the pay-TV on-demand whose impact on the public grew by 20% in the last twelve months.

In Germany you watch television for three hours and a half a day. A dictate the behaviors are the pay-TV have seen rise in a year 700 thousand users and subscribers of cable television that, for analysts angoamericani, hampers the development of platforms stream. «German consumers – said the head of the media – prefer to pay for access to the tv but the channels, offering schedules popu-lar, remain predominant in the country.”
Even Spain has to deal with a surge of 24% of television online , although the traditional continues to attract viewers for four hours and two minutes a day. And the research firm considers the Iberian land more open to new small screen compared to Italy. As if the Peninsula is now the last bastion where resists the TV antenna. Despite the Internet and probably Netflix.


It is a story in itself the US television market. “The Americans keep the TV on at all times, like a soundtrack of the day – says the expert of the company’s research” IHS Technology “, Dan Cryan -. This explains why the US daily consumption of television is even higher than Italian. ” In fact in the States it remains glued to the small screen for at least six hours a day. The “old” TV – which here is synonymous especially pay-TV satellite and cable – is still well rooted in everyday life of Americans. “But we are seeing a quiet revolution,” Cryan said. The erosion of the spaces that were reserved for traditional TV is offset soaring television online. The time spent watching programs on Netflix, Amazon Prime and Twitch grew by 24% in 2014.


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