Sunday, May 5, 2013

The new iPhone will be called Color - Articolotre

Print this post Print this post New rumors about the long-awaited iPhone by “low-cost” could be colorful and have a price between 350 and $ 450, in order to maintain the hardware and the retina from 4inches of the common iPhone.

Into The new iPhone will be called Color Giulia Ricci May 6, 2013 – The various rumors reached so far with respect to the Product Apple that will precede the release of an iPhone 5s spoke of low cost , more accessible for those who can not afford to spend € 700 for a phone but would love a product recorded by the mysterious apple.
Two analysts JP Morgan , a New York financial company, Mark Moskowitz and Gokul Hariharan , made known new rumors: according to their revelations the new smartphone will consist of a polycarbonate shell multicolor and will be priced between 350 and 450 dollars. Not exactly low cost then, but more suitable for an intermediate z one between the low-cost smartphone and those unreachable, a band where Apple could safely reach the largest share of demand.

Into “ Currently Samsung dominates the smartphone market in the price range between 250 and 500 dollars, with more than 35% of the market. believe that Apple can take 20-25% of the market in the next twelve months with a low-cost product “, explain the two analisti.Gokul and Mark point out that Apple has already followed this strategy with the launch of ‘ iPod nano and iPad mini, two devices smaller and cheaper than the original product, but not so cheap as to compete directly with the products of the competition.

Into the past year Phil Schiller , vice president for product marketing at Apple, had reiterated that his company would never have produced low-cost devices, sacrificing functionality and quality, so much so that rumors of this iPhone are in agreement that the hardware will be very similar to that of the iPhone 5, including the 4-inch retina display. Nothing mini, then.

Into Other rumors claim that Apple would initially launch the new iPhone stained only in emerging countries, probably to avoid drastically lower sales of the iPhone 5 and the next iPhone 5S, which will surely bring more profits into the coffers of Cupertino.
Mini iPhone, iPhone or iPhone 6 Color
? We just have to wait for the next rumors


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