Sunday, May 5, 2013

CO2 alarm: the Earth smothers, appeal to the Government by the WWF -

The Earth is choking: carbon dioxide has reached so high a concentration measures that serve as soon as possible to not get to catastrophic consequences. In the world we are reaching a gas concentration of 400 ppm, a level ever recorded since there is the man.

Into Scientists at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii are going to announce that the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have reached too high a concentration of 400ppm (parts per million), the consequence of which is the most catastrophic global warming to levels so dangerous that could be a cul return. According to the latest surveys carried out at the observatory, the concentration is precisely to 399.39 ppm.

CO2 Environment

Into the graph above, we can see how the level of concentration since 1958 is in almost constant growth. In the chart below, however, we are shown the trend in the last 300 years, and, by assumption, that the last 800,000 years.

CO2 Environment Ambiente CO2

Into Kim Carstensen, head of Climate and Energy WWF Italy, emphasizes how important it is to find solutions as never before to bring down CO2 emissions: “The scientific community tells us that the excess CO2 in the atmosphere that we have to take a warmer world. “. According to the expert of WWF, the last time in Earth’s atmosphere was present at a level of CO2 similar to that of today dates back to 3 million years ago, when the planet was warmer than 3-4 degrees Celsius.

Whose fault is it . Without a doubt one of us human beings, especially the global climate due to pollution comes from the energy sector, especially that of fossil fuels. Putting the case in which the carbon dioxide levels continue to rise, experts expect that the record temperatures that are now recorded in a not too distant future will become the new average summer. The consequences? First of all the drought of the land, which would become no more arable (or only for certain raw materials), while on the meteorological we will see more and more often to storms and floods.

Into The head of WWF Italy Midulla continues: “Globally, communities and governments already struggling to respond to drought, poor harvests and extreme weather events, even in rich countries like the United States. If CO2 levels continue to rise will become increasingly difficult and unlikely to adapt to climate change. “

Possible solutions . There is only one solution that should be taken as soon as possible: use renewable sources rather than fossil fuels. Midulla of this points out: “With the rapid global turn towards renewable energy, supported by strong measures for energy efficiency. Renewable energy can become the new normal.”

The Italian government. Midulla calls on the Italian government to do its part as soon as possible, either because the costs are lower today is to be an example for other countries and is to become the leader of the renewable energy sector in the future: “Who will move quickly and implement the energy turnaround in a timely manner will spend less and will be the leader in the near future.” Midulla calls on the new government to “listen to the scientists and economists more enlightened “ trying not to be influenced by ” old lobby that are condemning themselves and the country to the role of dinosaurs energy, instead of pointing to the future. “

Environment |Comments and opinions

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