Into Apple has avoided the payment of billions of tax dollars in the United States and around the world, creating a structure so complex according to which its overseas divisions were not resident in any place . These – reports in the American press – and the conclusions ‘reached by the Permanent Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate investigation, which will discuss in the next hour’ with the CEO of Cupertino, Tim Cook, the results of the investigation. Cook – according to testimony released by Apple – will reaffirm ‘the compan y’ and ‘one of the greatest American taxpayer, having paid in federal taxes on income about $ 6 billion in fiscal 2012. Into” tax” We do not use tricks affirm ‘Cook, Apple and stressing that’ an American success story and that Cupertino has created or helped to create at least 600,000 jobs in the United States. ” Apple is in favor of an objective examination of the American tax rules, which have not kept pace with the digital age and with the rapid changes in the global economy” tell ‘Cook, you will find’ to face the barrage of U.S. senators. And these harshly criticize Cupertino removed to the extent of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the tax office American, at least $ 74 billion between 2009 and 2012. Into Apple – according to investigators – has $ 102 billion offshore and moved billions of dollars of profits outside the United States in branches, some based in Ireland where he negotiat ed a rate less than 2%. Ireland has already ‘tax rates for most companies’ low in the United States, 12% versus 35% in the U.S.. Some of the branches of Apple does not have employees and are managed by top managers from Cupertino: Irish legislation provides that a company ‘and’ resident in the country and only if ‘managed and controlled on site. And ‘for this – according to investigators – that Apple and’ could be ‘stateless’ and to avoid the payment of taxes. For Apple – critical Senator Carl Levin – not ‘enough to shift profits to a tax haven: the company’ tried the ‘holy grail’ of tax avoidance. ” Apple claims to be one of the greatest American taxpayers – said Senator John McCain – but it ‘s also a society””’ that has evaded taxes.”
Apple confirms queen and her ‘the brand that is worth more’ in the world . Exactly 185.07 billion dollars. A crown Cupertino, on the day that the U.S. Senate is attacking after evading billions of dollars in taxes, and ‘the BrandZ Top 100 ranking, compiled by Millward Brown Optimor and now in its eighth edition. The silver medal goes to Google, which with a value of 113.66 billion dollars regains second place, while IBM drops to third with his 112530000000. Among the top 100 two Italian companies: Gucci and Prada to place 68/mo to 95/mo. Samsung (30/ma) fly, selling increase its value by 51% to $ 21 billion, a jump that still keeps still far from the top and from rival Apple. ” The competition for leadership in the smartphone market has allowed Samsung to achieve significant growth in the value of its brand, balancing an extraordinary period of innovation with an increase in market share – has spent $ 1.6 billion on advertising ‘ last year,” said Nick Cooper, managing director of Millward Brown Optim or.
Into” Despite a market more ‘competitive, the ability’ to Apple to maintain the first position and ‘demonstration of how the value of a strong brand influence on the business – highlights Cooper -. People love the brand regardless of the value of its stock on the market.” Completing the top 10 brands with more ‘value McDonald’s fourth, fifth Coca-Cola and AT & T in the sixth. Microsoft is square in the seventh position, followed by Marlboro, Visa and China Mobile. Gucci and Prada are the two Italian brands in the top 100 with a brand value rising, respectively 48% and 63% compared to last year. Gucci, with a value of $ 12.7 billion, is ranked at number 68 in the general classification and the number 3 position in the ranking of the luxury sector. Prada, with a value of $ 9.5 billion, ranks at number 95 in the overall standings, and # 4 in the ranking of the sector. Fendi, another Italian brand, is not among the top 100 brands in the BrandZ Top 100, but is ranked ninth in the standings luxury. The luxury category, where it stands out like last year Louis Vuitton, and ‘grew by 6%, compared with 15% last year. Here are the top 10 brands that are worth more ‘in the world.
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Into ———————————————– ———
Into 1 – APPLE $ 185.07 billion
2 – GOOGLE $ 113.66 billion
3 – IBM $ 112,530,000,000
4 – MCDONALD’S $ 90.25 billion
5 – COCA-COLA $ 78.41 billion
6 – AT & T $ 75.50000000000
7 – MICROSOFT $ 69.81 billion
8 – MARLBORO $ 69,380,000,000
9 – VISA $ 56.06 billion
10 – CHINA MOBILE $ 55.36 billion
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