Thursday, May 16 – agg.21: 38 Technology Into Home > Technology > Hi Tech > App store a record: 50 billion … | FURTHER READING  apple, app store, iphone, ipad, downloads Into ROME – A few days ago he started the countdown and now the historic milestone: the Apple App Store has reached 50 billion downloads. This was communicated by the Cupertino company also announced that the winner of the gift card for $ 10,000, that downloaded the 50 billionth app: a member of Mentor, Ohio (USA) named Brandon Ashmore. He won with the app Say the Same Thing , a play on words. Be able to spend the amount in the online store in Cupertino. “Apple would like to thank all of our amazing customers and developers for helping us to reach 50 billion apps downloaded. We are absolutely stunned to have achieved this historic milestone in less than five years, “said Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Internet Software and Services at Apple. The App Store was opened in July 2008 with 500 applications. It now offers more than 850,000 apps to iPhone users, iPad and iPod touch in 155 countries worldwide, with more than 350,000 native apps available for iPad. “Customers are downloading app from the App Store more than 800 per second, at a rate of more than two billion apps per month,” says the giant California. Into Into Thursday, May 16, 2013 – 17:56 Into © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Into Into WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS ITEM TO YOUR FRIENDS? Into Into BECOME A FAN OF THE MESSENGER RELATED STORIES | class=”c47″> App Store, comes Tweet Pee: warns when the baby pees. Here are the most bizarre iPhone app Into attacks Apple Bill Gates: “the iPad makes frustrated, without keyboard and Office. Better Surface » Into Apple, Cheap iPhone but not too much it will cost about $ 300. All the rumors on hold on June 10 Into Apple’s app store close to 50 billion downloads: via the competition for loyalists Into Apple launches iBond, before issuance of debt since 1996: another record in sight | TODAY FIRST FLOOR | class=”c52″> IMU, Letta: it will decree of miracles PDL: via by August or the government falls ROME – “The decree will not be the decree of miracles,” but “contains … Into Napolitano interview with the Messenger “With the EU are on the cutting edge Letta a serious and measured” ROME – “We aim to carry the boat through the breakers, on giving … Into Zanda: Berlusconi ineligible. Ira PDL: “So the government at risk.” Yes the M5S ROME – High tension between PD and PDL on justice, on Silvio … | | 0 comments class=”c63″ cellpadding=”5″ THESE COMMENTS ( 0 ) | View all comments | Post a comment | order to send a comment you must be registered. If you are already registered please enter your username and password or register now | | Into class=”c56″ - ROME
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