Here is the Xbox One, game console
to which the games are tight
The latest addition to the Microsoft opens in music, film, TV, video calls and mobile world. Three operating systems
Into The Xbox One
SENT FROM OUR NEW YORK – What the video game market is a $ 65 billion a year, a huge amount that gives the idea of ??a phenomenon that is not slowing down, and that in recent years has become fragmented on smartphones, tablets and social networks, but in which the lion’s share still play the PC and consoles. The latter held a share of 42% of the market and, therefore, not surprising that around them are fighting a war that, with the end of the year will record an escalation with the near-simultaneous launch of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One of the new (read here the test with all the news of the console).
The Xbox One
CENTER – A very ambitious console, the one just presented in Redmond in a cold and rainy day, with which Microsoft aims to become finally the center of home entertainment. Why only now the games are tight. Through the Xbox One fact will not pass only games but also music, film and TV. There will then integrate with Skype for video calls and the one with the mobile world with native support SmartGlass technology. The presence of a powerful new Kinect will finally to communicate constantly with the console, thanks to the presence of three operating systems at the same time will allow us to go from watching a football match at a FIFA 14 with a simple gesture.
AMBITIONS – If so far the strength of a console was measured according to the computing power and the exclusive titles, now the situation is changed. To the point that for the Xbox One it comes to performance similar to the PlayStation 4, ie those of a mainstream PCs and nothing more. The difference now lies in ambition. Where Sony is focusing on hard-core gamers, faithful people and high spending power, Microsoft offers a future of integrated services with which radically widen its users, aiming to entertainment all round. A choice that is well exemplified looking Xbox One, more like a video recorder that not a gaming machine, and the small park of securities shown: Forza Motorsport 5, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Quantum Break and the inevitable sports Electronic Arts.
Eight generations of game consoles
SUNSET – A choice well indicated by the involvement of Steven Spielberg in creating a TV series based on the world of Halo and which appears to be shared if you think that the era of consoles is perhaps setting. The PlayStation 2 in five years had sold 100 million units, the PS3 in eight years has placed ‘just’ 77, the same inter alia, the Xbox 360. Nintendo, with the Wii U, in March failed while the conservative goal of 5.5 million consoles that you had set for itself just by selling 3.45 million. It is also the bubble burst casual gaming created by the Wii and also came smartphones and tablets, which have brought the game out of our homes. Not to mention the return of the PC on which they turn the social game and they are rising thanks to the dominance in the online and digital sales.
IntoCOMPETITION – is no coincidence that we talk about this eighth generation consoles like the last one, then you should play directly from the cloud. Windows 8, the new operating system, it’s having too good and despite its division invoice still double that of the Xbox (with profit margins four times higher), the Redmond company needs a new pillar on which lean, that may be just the Xbox One. A challenge, however, that this will lead Microsoft on a collision course not only with Sony and Nintendo, but also with other aggressive competitors. Let’s talk about reality such as Apple and Google, which have long moved along the road of so-called ‘ecosystem’, a concept which indicates the integration from a company more business. And if Amazon wanted to enter more aggressively in the hardware market, as it is rumored for some time, Microsoft will have to deal with a more formidable competitor in the service output that makes its wor khorse. INTEGRATION – The fight for the conquest of our free time will be no quarter and then we will fight everywhere: in the living rooms of families, kids bedrooms and around the streets. It will be a war of content and integration, which will not spare any of the tools we use regularly: smartphones, tablets and TV. A battle, this, which we hope to live by Italian actors and not as spectators, since at the time the services offered on the Xbox Live nostrano pales in comparison to the American one. Whatever happens, though, allacciamoci your seatbelt and get ready for the impact of the Xbox One: the entertainment world could change dramatically.
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