The solar energy is better for the Italians. No to coal
Italian and solar energy: yes introduction of a carbon tax
Into Italian increasingly in favor of renewable energy: from the data of the ninth report ‘The Italians and solar’ made by IPR marketing and the Observatory on Solar UniVerde Foundation, with the support of Yingli Green Energy Italy and Sorgenia emerges that 90% of Italians closes and opens the door to the coal to solar, even with new incentives. In addition, in 9 out of 10 would like to close by 2020 most polluting power plants, coal and fuel oil, thinking about an Italy 100% green energy.
Into Considering that fossil fuels more damaging to the climate are considered as coal and oil, 88% of respondents would like the introduction of a carbon tax on the activities that produce CO2 emissions.Into And while the incentives for renewables are still going well for 85% of respondents, is growing the percentage of those who would accept the substitution of economic incentives with those regulations, that is, bureaucratic simplification and freedom to self-produce and sell energy the net ‘.
9 out of 10 Italians, in fact, would be fine to install a photovoltaic system on our own building using a public incentive. Italy then back again on smart grids, unknown to the majority, with 77% of respondents do not have never heard of it and only 7% know their meaning.
Into Author:Marcello TansiniInto
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published 09/05/2013 at 7:52
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