The numbers are still tiny compared to 93 per cent held by Google and Apple platforms. But the growth of the operating system for mobile systems created by Microsoft is fast. The key is the integration of ERNESTO ASSANTE
ACCORDING to IDC, which publishes data every four months of his research on the spread of operating systems, iOS and Android dominate the undisputed market for operating systems for smartphones, with more than 90 percent, 92.3 to be exact, of the shares. But Windows Phone, the Microsoft operating system, for the first time in third place, overtaking Blackberry. Of course, in numbers are still very small, but if you look at the data of the four months prior to the advance of Microsoft is clear: In Q1 of 2013, Windows Phone has conquered the market rising from 3.2 2.6 Q4 of 2012, while Blackberry, which had the 3.2, fell to 2.9.
For Microsoft, which has long hoped to overcome Blackberry, is objectively good news, but the growth, however interesting, is not such as to imagine in a short time achievement of a significant slice of the market. Android reigns supreme, with 75 percent of smartphone distributed in the first quarter (Google has just announced that in the world there are 900 million active Android devices, 400 million more than it had last fall), about 162 million machines almost double those distributed in the same period a year ago. It grows much of the distribution of the iPhone, 34.7 million, the best four months ever had from Apple, but the market share, given the numbers of Android, drops to 17.3 percent.
There is no doubt Microsoft andBlackberry should do more of what they do to be able to catch up, and both, especially in recent days, they have done their best by offering additional device and trying, in the case of Microsoft, to extend its offer Windows Phone to more com panies producing potential, not only Nokia and HTC, in fact.The relationship between the three major operating systems is an interesting comparison because those who win will have the ability to model a large part of our world in the future. Whether Android, iOS and Windows that point, some more and some less, toward the integration of multiple machines with a single operating system. The advantage of Microsoft in this area is obvious, but the difficulty in finding suitable machines to run the new Windows 8, the base of the Redmond company’s new life, they have made life easier for the new operating system. Smartphones and their success are an important key to the success of an operating system “unique” that can run on computers, televisions, smartwatch or anything, but rehearsals are underway for some time and the news in the near future miss them.
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