Sunday, May 19 – agg.0: 34 Technology Into The Messenger > Technology > Hi Tech > Google glass, chirp photos with … | FURTHER READING  google, google glass, twitter, app Into Into Laura Bogliolo Into ROME – It ‘s official: you can tweet with eyes thanks to Google Glass. While the developers of Mountain View gathered at the Moscone Center in San Francisco with Google I / O conference where among other things, reveal the secrets of the new interface of Google Maps on your blog Twitter confirms the rumors in recent days. Twitter has officially launched the app to post photos on the platform 140 characters thanks to augmented reality glasses. To browse through the photos put online thanks to Google Glass you can try the hashtag # throughglass. In fact, the app allows you to automatically post the phrase Just shared a photo # throughglass. The first photo posted on profile # testglass portrays the handlebars of a bike ride. Only a handful of developers and enthusiasts can currently use Google Glass . Among them is also a professor of physics American who has used the augmented reality glasses for a very special lesson. E ‘was invited to visit from CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator largest and most powerful so far realizzato.Ha worn glasses, shot by bike for 27 km in the underground tunnel and broadcast live images to its students remained in the classroom in the U.S. (video). Into Into Friday, May 17, 2013 – 17:12 Last update: Saturday, May 18 – 11:14 Into © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Into Into WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS ITEM TO YOUR FRIENDS? Into Into BECOME A FAN OF THE MESSENGER RELATED STORIES | class=”c50″> App Store, comes Tweet Pee: warns when the baby pees. Here are the most bizarre iPhone app Into YouTube, Google Glass, Professor bike in the tunnel at CERN: lesson students live Video Into Twitter, cinguetteremo with the eyes? Discovery App for the Google Glass Into Google and privacy glass, Erich Schmidt brakes: “It takes caution and a new etiquette» Into Anonymous launches strike against the web CISPA | TODAY FIRST FLOOR | class=”c55″> The Pope: “The real crisis is the people who are dying of hunger: more martyrs today than in the early centuries of the church” ROME – “As we chat in the Church! As we chat us … Into Across the street: mother, father and 4 year old son injured by gunfire MILAN – An unidentified person was injured this evening shots … Into Parade Fiom, Landini: “Priority is the work, not the IMU Epifani? Absences speak for themselves’ ROME – There were the workers of Bologna behind a banner with … | | Into class=”c59″ - ROME
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| Stabbed in the chest by former father-in Torre Maura, is severe ROME – Grave made of blood in the morning in Torre Maura. A 42 year old man, … | | Into | SEE ALL NEWS OF ROME | | | class=”c59″ | Mayor and Board of Ortona you cut the salary ORTONA The city administration led by Mayor Vincent … | | Into | SEE ALL NEWS OF ‘ABRUZZO | | | Into | FOLLOW U.S. on facebook | | NEWS MOST READ IN | class=”c59″ | The Pope: “The real crisis is the people who are dying of hunger: more martyrs today than in the early centuries of the church,” ROME – “As we chat in the Church! As Christians we talk. ” I said … Into Across the street: mother, father and 4 year old son injured by gunfire MILAN – An unidentified person was injured this evening, with plenty of shotgun mother, father and … Into Lazio, Petkovic: with Cagliari at most a win to get to the derby more serene ROME – Winning at Trieste without thinking too much about Rome, and especially to Rome. Despite the Cup final … Into Tour of Italy / rain, cold, fog and snow canceled the climb of Sestriere shortened 4 kilometers of the arrival on the Galibier BARDONECCHIA – The bad weather seriously affects the Tour of Italy: rain, cold, fog and snow … Into North Korea launches 3 missiles, short-range dates back tension, Seoul on alert ROME – North Korea has tested three short-range missiles on the east coast: it refers … Into woman 50 years ended in the freezer and left to die Ascoli – A woman of 50 years of Ascoli, married and mother of two children, she took her own life in a way … Into Grillo has second thoughts: “Maybe I’ll go on TV. Traveled together to the voters of the Democratic Party “ ROME – “Maybe I will go there on television.” Beppe Grillo, the leader of the Movement … Into Google Inc. chirp picture on Twitter thanks to Google Glass ROME – It ‘s official: you can tweet with eyes thanks to Google Glass. While the … Into Carfagna insulted at the supermarket, Alfano: “Fruit of bad teachers.” She: “Climate worrying ‘ ROME – “I do not have denounced the incident. It is not the first time that happens to me, but … Into Stabbed in the chest by former father-in Torre Maura is serious ROME – Grave made of blood in the morning in Torre Maura. A 42 year old man, Daniel Vinci, during a … | | | | HOME | class=”c59″ - FISCO
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