intesifica competition between the various companies involved in the market of “messaging and VoIP.” Even if the CEO of WhatsApp recently said that the service would have remained exclusively in the mobile market, where it is number one, Viber takes off guard its main competitor. Becoming multi-platform, Viber entered the field of Skype and Facebook, which have recently stepped up their efforts. The software “Viber Desktop” has a simple interface with all the features of the mobile application, with which you synchronize perfectly.
Into Thus we find text messages (with acknowledgment of receipt and reading), sending photos of “stickers” (similar to Facebook) and calls. The messages are synchronized in real time on all devices of a user and calls can be transferred from a computer to a mobile device and vice versa, changing the terminal quickly. Viber also inaugurates Desktop video calls (in beta), which mobile applications can integrate only later, in the coming months.
Into The applications Viber for Android and iPhone will also aggionate and will move to version 3.0 . The new voice engine improves the audio quality on the networks of low and high quality, and will also be allowed to send new messages video to friends. The Android app is more attractive than the iPhone, because it also introduces a new Holo theme . Finally, remember that all users are identifi ed by their phone numbers and contacts come from the mobile phone address book, which loses its meaning now that the service is cross-platform.- class=”hasTip” title=”Skype goes here tilt: the soluzione”> Skype crashes here is the solution
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