Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Imperial Forums to pedestrians and bicycles - Corriere della Sera

the mayoral candidate of the center

I Fori Imperiali to pedestrians and bike

Ignazio Marino presents the project to the pedestrian. If elected I will realizzer in the first hundred days

Ignazio Marino, presented the draft pedestrian dei Fori Imperiali Ignazio Marino, presented the draft pedestrian dei Fori Imperiali

ROME – Only pedestrians, bicycles and public transport among the priceless beauty of the Imperial Fora: the intervention that the mayoral candidate Ignazio Marino promises to accomplish, if elected, in the first hundred days of office. a project that speaks to the world, which has been discussed for decades, but that was never realized because it lacked the will. An important sign of cultural and discontinuity with the past administration, said Marino presenting the initiative.

PIU ‘ZTL – The pedestrian artery that passes through the heart of historic Rome will concern, in the projects of Marino, the section between Via Cavour (wide angle Corrado Ricci ) and the square of the Colosseum. This comporter in a first phase Ztl an enlargement of the portion of the Rione Monti today that it remained outside, ie the triangle between Via Cavour, Via dei Fori Imperiali and Via Annibaldi. Right on the corner of Via Cavour and Via Annibaldi will install the new gate of the Ztl. Cars and bikes or will walk the route via Cavour street-Annibaldi-by Nicola Salvi or, if coming from quadrant Pyramid-Aventine will be diverted via Labicana, but Merulana potr turn left towards Santa Maria Maggiore.

The pedestrianization project dei Fori Imperiali The proposed pedestrianization of the Imperial Fora

GRADUAL PATH – To complete the project, explained, it will be necessary to thin all alternative routes, coordinating traffic lights and implementing small interventions on the road network. a gradual path that goes to the pedestrian – said the engineer Pietro Spirito, who has studied the technical design – need to identify the best solutions, understand the problem of parking, tour buses, redefine the paths of the bus lines, in an integrated approach to mobility.Into. “

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