Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Flop of Foxconn, attracted 8 million iPhone assembled badly - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

Flop of the Foxconn recalled 8 million iPhone assembled badly 17:00 April 23, 2013 Into (AGI) – Beijing, April 23 – From the Foxconn Foxconn: over 8 million iPhones were defective returned last month at a Chinese factory that deals with the assembly. Reports were two newspapers in China, China Business, and China Times. The ratio of the two sources did not specify what these models, it ‘what was the problem, while the Apple do know that stocks are not at risk.

Into And now ‘are calculated for the economic losses that Foxconn should amount to about 259 million dollars, 32 dollars for every smartphone “called.” It’s not ‘the first time that such an incident occur, a problem that in all probability’ and ‘mainly related to the fast pace of production and launch. The same leaders of Taiwan,
which also assembles products for HP and Dell, have admitted that the iPhone and ‘”the device more’ complex that Foxconn has ever assembled.”

Into Not only that: the increase in the standard for quality control ‘have slowed down the production with a lower numerical results in the end. Faulty phones and budgets in decline are not the only problems related to the fast-paced, “the entire chain of production Apple has problems,” held in September Li Qiang of China Labor Watch who has been studying the two giants.
“Strategies marketing and sales of products include sudden jumps that result in strong pressure for workers. “

Into well aware of the employees of Foxconn: the giant became known to the whole world in 2010 when 15 workers exhausted by working conditions took their own lives within walking distance of each other. At the extreme action followed the company promises to raise wages and improve standards of work and life beyond the factory gates.

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