Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Web, now 20 years old. Here is the first homepage - Agi - AGI - Journalistic Agency Italy

Happy Birthday web now 20 years old is the first homepage 20:32 April 30, 2013

(AGI) – Geneva, April 30 – A white page with black writing, accompanied by a series of “hyperlinks”: the first homepage of the story is 20 years old. To celebrate the event, the CERN in Geneva, on 30 April 1993 open ‘Internet in the world, has decided to restore the old home, a sort of handbook for those who wanted to look out for the first time in the Internet world.
To invent the ‘WWW’ was the British physicist Tim

Berners-Lee in 1989 to help researchers share information, a sort of virtual archive available only to small groups of people.

“The decision to grant free of CERN technology ‘web’ allow ‘the explosive spread of the Internet,” said the web manager at CERN, Dan Noyes. The staff of the European Organization for Nuclear Research has restored the files of the time using a copy of the site in 1992 seen at this link: http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html. The aim of the CERN and ‘make known to the younger generation the origins of the web to find out all of the steps that have transformed the primitive “set of nodes interconnected by links” into a tool that connected billion people.

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