Friday, April 26, 2013

Amazon beats estimates - - ??



Into  Amazon Kindle Fire HD

Into Beyond the aspettativi profits and in line with forecasts turnover of Amazon. Waiting for the Kindle TV?

Amazon stores the first quarter with sales up 22 percent to 16.1 billion dollars, in line with forecasts, and operating earnings by $ 181 million , above the estimates. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, continues to invest in digital content for its range of tablet Kindle Fire and Fire HD, the tavolettew multitouch selling thanks to their rich ecosystem. Bezos added 20 hub sale to attract consumers, offering a vast selection of products and a faster delivery. Amazon is also becoming a magnet for traders, who take advantage of the window of the giant Seattle to sell and e-commerce to complete orders. The products sold by third-party have generated 40% of sales . The 10 best-selling digital content on the site are acquistti or related to the Kindle, and tablet that e-book reader.

digital content, services, cloud-computing and earnings in the retail business, to save the Amazon accounts, while continuing weak markets europei.Gli net profit was down 37 percent to $ 82 million, or 18 cents per share, in the first quarter.

Into While growth slows, Amazon expands the margins of the profits .

This was reported by Reuters. Driving the quarterly Amazon are the new profitable business . The market is better in North America than elsewhere: the rest of Europe is still gripped by the euro-recession following the crisis of sovereign debt. The stock has lost the 1 .9%.

According to Bloomberg Businessweek Into , Amazon wants to anticipate Apple, launching a Kindle Tv . The Kindle TV Smart TV with Android would be a modified, including Amazon could sell streaming media content on Amazon Prime. The company of Jeff Bezos sata awarding exclusive rights of hit TV series as Downtown Abbey .

 Amazon Kindle Fire HD

Amazon Kindle Fire HD

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