Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Astronomy: new observed asymmetry between matter and antimatter. The ... - The Messenger

ROMA – was observed a new imperfection universe. The discovery, which has a signature Italian, consists of an asymmetry between matter and antimatter present in the cosmos. The phenomenon has been observed by the experiment Lhcb, one of the four experiments of the largest accelerator in the world the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva led by the Italian Pierluigi Campana. The discovery is being published in the journal Physics Review Letter.

The experiment, which involves many physicists of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), in practice noted a preference for matter on ‘antimatter in the universe by studying the decays of some matter particles called mesons Bs and their twin particles (but with opposite charges) of antimatter, anti-Bs mesons. Differences were observed, ie an asymmetry in behavior, the way in which these particles decay, ie disappear after they are generated by collisions of the experiment.

< strong> is the first time which is observed this behavior in the Bs meson, had previously been observed in three other sub-atomic particles. Matter and antimatter are thought to have existed in equal amounts at the beginning of the
Universe, but today the cosmos seems to be made up largely of matter, so at some point there must have been a dominance of matter over antimatter. By studying the subtle differences in the behavior of particles and their corresponding antiparticles of antimatter experiments conducted at the LHC are trying to shed light on the reasons for this phenomenon. “We are looking for the missing pieces of the puzzle – said Bell – who constitute a severe test for the theory and are a sensitive probe for detecting the presence of new physics beyond the Standard Model.”

Reconstructing a sample of about 1065 decays of these mesons, the ‘experiment Lhcb has revealed that in 676 cases the anti-Bs mes ons disappear, ie decay, producing a pair of K-mesons and pions, respectively, positively charged and negatively. It was expected that the mesons Bs ordinary matter would produce an equal number of them also decays identical (with reversed charges). Instead, it only happened in 389 cases. Quite a difference. “The magnitude of the asymmetry of behavior is very great – explains Vincenzo Vagner INFN Bologna, one of the authors of the study – and the measurement made by Lhcb opens a new field of investigation which could lead, possibly the discovery of new effects that may finally explain the mystery of the disappearance of antimatter from our Universe. “

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