Into 22 April, 17:32 Google Doodle in” Earth Day”
src=""> Into ROME – The Earth Day, which is celebrated today the quarantatresima 22 April, is celebrated by Google with a mini-ecosystem in the area dedicated to animated doodle. The set designed by Google for Earth day reproduces a natural habitat: a landscape that depicts, with pastel colors and images from old cartoons, rivers, trees, flowers, mountains, hills and animals with fish jumping out of the lake formed by ‘water coming from the waterfall, and the side also laborious ants. In addition, the animation gives life to a small ecosystem at all stages of the cycle of the day, before the sun when flowers and trees invigorate, then the light goes down as a hand along the afternoon, to the moon with a starry sky. The Earth Day was established by the UN in 1970.
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