Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Earth has 2 planets "double" Space "Alien World"? (Video) - NotizieIN

Into  video space planets NASA SPACE – The identification of planets, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f, is only a step towards discoveries more momentous in Space or will be a turning point in the concept of extraterrestrial life ? No doubt the two planets are present in a system that includes other three are the realities of Cosmo more similar to Earth , at least among those identified so far. A new great result for the Kepler Telescope NASA , which in the last years had been the means for significant breakthroughs in the field of astronomical : numerous planets of
considerable interest, however, did not contemplate that in principle the possibility of some form of life. Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are terraqueous globes theoretically habitable, especially for the widespread presence of liquid water and the proximity to their Star .

If the two planets “ twins ” really are “inhabited ” or not is a puzzle without a solution, the technologies do not allow current to ensure you: to secure the presence of life can not be excluded this time. In video in the appendix to the article, taken from the YouTube channel Video From Space “, graphic, graphics and insights on the discovery of NASA. Image src=

 author avatar The post titled The Earth has 2 planets” double “Space: “Alien World”? (Video) was written by Renato Valdescala the day Saturday, 20/04/13 + in the category Science / Environment – © REPRODUCTION STRICTLY PROHIBITED
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