NASA SPACE – The identification of planets, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f, is only a step towards discoveries more momentous in Space or will be a turning point in the concept of extraterrestrial life ? No doubt the two planets are present in a system that includes other three are the realities of Cosmo more similar to Earth , at least among those identified so far. A new great result for the Kepler Telescope NASA , which in the last years had been the means for significant breakthroughs in the field of astronomical : numerous planets of
considerable interest, however, did not contemplate that in principle the possibility of some form of life. Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are terraqueous globes theoretically habitable, especially for the widespread presence of liquid water and the proximity to their Star . If the two planets “ twins ” really are “inhabited ” or not is a puzzle without a solution, the technologies do not allow current to ensure you: to secure the presence of life can not be excluded this time. In video in the appendix to the article, taken from the YouTube channel “ Video From Space “, graphic, graphics and insights on the discovery of NASA.
The post titled The Earth has 2 planets” double “Space: “Alien World”? (Video) was written by Renato Valdescala the day Saturday, 20/04/13 + in the category Science / Environment – © REPRODUCTION STRICTLY PROHIBITED

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