Friday, April 26, 2013

Still rains over the weekend. A North Ovesttemporali and bad weather ... - Corriere della Sera

the weather forecast

Still rains over the weekend. A North West
storms and bad weather until 1 May

From Friday, April 26 heavy rainfall also at the Centre until Monday. In the South, sun, Sirocco and summer temperatures

Into (Matarazzo) (Matarazzo)

Another weekend of bad weather on the northern and central Italy due to a disturbance of African origin. And soon after, other rainfall forecast until early May due to a disturbance Atlantic will invest mainly the North West. The forecast for the weekend in the middle

of the ‘bridge’ between 25 April and 1 May are not positive and after a winter with heavy rainfall and the beginning of a very rainy spring, good weather for half of Italy continues to appear as a short interval among many days of gray skies and rain, also abundant. The South, with some rain on Sicily, will be in a situation full summer with sunshine and warm temperatures even up to 30 degrees due to the south winds.Into forecasts to 7 days

MOST REGIONS ‘AFFECTED – Friday, April 26 Even as rains are expected in the North West and West and North Tyrrhenian regions, which extend eastward Saturday and nearly all the central regions. Possible in many cases storm phenomena, even of high intensity. Monday this perturbation (the eighth since the beginning of April), but was soon runs out ‘replaced’ by the next one from the Atlantic that will be felt especially on Piedmont and Liguria Lombardy. In these regions, on Monday and Tuesday there will be rain and thunderstorms, a situation that will continue until the 1st of May, while the North East and Central regions should have good weather conditions, although less in summer and in the South

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