“The new digital technologies evolve and change the way we produce with characteristics of speed and unpredictability that are unprecedented. It is from this fundamental premise is wrong for you is illudesse to fix them and encode it with a new law of hard work, chasing the changes with new types of contracts. Yet the rules must gradually adapt to the new needs of the labor protection and benefits that the news may generate for businesses and workers. ” This is the vision of Maurizio Sacconi , author of the bill that for the first time opens the door to “agile work” in our country.
The proposal – which parliamentary scrutiny will go hand in hand with that of the government bill (on VAT numbers and agile work) which provides for the regulation of so-called work “at a distance” – it is innovative as “disruptive”. “My proposal builds on a broader vision of the agile work because agility is not resolved only in the dematerialization of the fixed location but invests extensively the way we produce and work. As a result, it is concerned to ensure that new technologies are accompanied by a continuous ductile and flexible readjustment of the ways in which they exert different forms of contract through negotiation proximity, even if certified individual, “explains the Corcom ‘ former Labour Minister, chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor.
President, we are at the gates of an unprecedented change.
Yes, it is. Also because they are already changing and will change more and more corporate organizational schemes. The vertical and hierarchical model gives way to an organization of more and more horizontal in which everyone, responsibly and creatively with the support of technology, works in phases, results, objectives. And this involves the reshaping not only the organization of working but also of frameworks, job, pay, which must indeed be redefined on the basis of the result. Whatever the type of contract, which would then refer to the work of subordinated or self, you have to adapt the ways giving ability of an individual agreement and those corporate or territorial collective so that they correspond to the new needs of the worker and the company.
The agile work in which types of workers can be applied?
The proposal is for workers with longer duration contracts a year and an annual salary of more than 30 thousand euro, included in technologically advanced contexts or employees to use functions of the technologies. With specific attention to designers and qualified researchers from PhDs acquired even with advanced training apprenticeship. It does not include workers with low skills, low incomes, short-term relationships.
Do not you risk the loss of jobs?
The negative balance in the short term is expected by many analysts of the labor market, but we must not take it for granted. As happened for other industrial revolutions, I think even in the “fourth revolution” is possible to make sure that there is not a negative balance, even in the short term. It depends on us, on how we manage change. And we must be aware that often the old rules, the same traditional protections, are liable to limit and become a cage.
How you will do to “convert” the professionals who risk the most?
Digital literacy, for which I expect an extraordinary national plan of 100 million euro, will be crucial in a country where the share of routine work destined to disappear is particularly high. Because if it is true, for example, that the new “machines” will take the place of many workers, it is also true that some of these machines must guarantee maintenance and optimal use. Here, then, that the skills are decisive. The workers all have to have the right to lifelong learning. It is what we would consider the postmodern Article 18 as directed to ensure the employability no longer on the basis of static and defensive rules but through access to knowledge and skills, in my proposal are given to the workers agile specific learning paths an annual certification of skills acquired along with specific rules for health and safety, as they correspond to their basic rights.
You mentioned the right to security, how will guarantee it considered the new dynamics?
safety also, to be effective, it needs to ensure that the agile ways in different places of production or transfer. And here it will determine the role of occupational doctors who should be entrusted with the function of certifying the appropriate manner. So how do they speculate periodic visits. You would pass that the system of formalities in substantive good practices that take into account the most advanced techniques. The right to security and also includes another important right, the right to disconnect.
It is necessary that the parties define the time of disconnection bands, otherwise the risk is that the worker will become “slave” of the permanent connection. Several large German and French companies have already reached agreements to avoid the phenomenon dell’always on – Volkswagen, BMW, Henkel, Axa France, Orange … and France is being discussed to include the right to disconnect law. The topic is so timely and delicate, can not be left to improvisation.
The agile work can also be applied to civil servants?
Certainly. The agility becomes immanent feature of the work, especially in the service sector, and also in the PA. The service sector has great potential applications of the technology and the public service sector is using them in a minimal and traditional. True reform of public administration is not done with yet another normative revolution but with real business plans to reorganize the great functions, accompanied by educational investment in digital skills.
Do you think the unions “welcome” without reservations the new course that is emerging?
Attitude is definitely opening. But even in this case the speed of negotiation and its ability to correlate the speed with which new technologies will march determinants. Let me give an example: are ongoing negotiations for the new contract of the metalworkers and guidelines set by the outgoing worker contract date back to 1973, that is drawn on a technological context that today is “old”. The solution does not lie so much in the new national frameworks, but the definition of guidelines which leave room for adaptation to the specific conditions of each company and then to the corporate and individual bargaining.
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