” Gaming areas’
“in our country – says the commissioner – we measure in an increasingly concrete social risks of the” digital divide. ” This is also why the Milan libraries have undertaken to bring citizens closer to the technological world, encouraging reading in a free, free, and experimenting with new ways like that of the video game. Often behind the creation of a video game it is a story, a book that inspired it. If a boy with a passion for a game can happen that arises in him the curiosity to read the story to which he was born. That is why we felt it important to create two libraries, Valvassori Peroni and Cassina Anna, the Gaming Zone where not only you can play video games and take in loan but where will be promoted among young people ‘conscius game’, conscious game. “
it starts Saturday
“Bringing video games in libraries is a very interesting choice – explains Emanuele Cabrini, director of Gamesearch – because the Gaming areas are a place of sharing and comparing, equipped as a living room with Play Station console and armchairs. ” For the inauguration of the Gaming areas Valvassori Peroni, scheduled for Saturday, March 5 at 15:30, it will also be an exhibition dedicated to Pac Man and produced by Game art gallery. The space Cassina Anna will instead be opened at 15 Wednesday, April 9. Two afternoons a week are reserved to the game when, every day you can borrow video games, refer to books, comics and magazines devoted to the genre. Nostalgic of all ages is a dedicated area retrogaming with the old console games and the great classics of the 70s and 80s-90s.
“Milan Read»
the other novelty is the “Milan read»: in the subway mezzanines will be hung virtual shelves to download a selection of books dedicated to the city, from 800 to the present day, to read on your smartphone while you are traveling. “It frames. clicks, download and read »: these are the posters that will be hung from Wednesday, March 9 with the titles of the books associated with QRcode through which you can immediately download the ebook. The project was made possible thanks to funding from the Lombardy Region.
ebook readers borrow
Finally, still on the subject of digital reading since March 13 will be active the loan service ‘book reader’ to the Sormani library: 22 devices with different editorial proposals, selected from the latest news, will be to readers as well as a station for the public where you can – by appointment – scanned photos of the family. Two new services for the historic library that is preparing to make sixty years in the building where it is located. Several initiatives to celebrate. Thursday, March 10 librarians of Sormani will guide the public through readings, images, video, and will accompany the readers to discover this place much loved by the Milanese. “Umberto Eco and De Bibliotheca” will be the theme of the story Andrea Martinucci, former librarian of Sormani, at 17 in Grechetto room. special opening of the Sormani also Sunday, March 13 with the youth of the Institute Galdus and middle school Carlo port for laboratories and musical interludes. For the full program: http://www.comune.milano.it/wps/portal/ist/it/vivicitta/luoghicultura/Biblioteche/Sistema_Bibliotecario_Milano/Sedi/SA_Sormani/Sormani_sessanta
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