Monday, April 6, 2015

The Fair will focus on quality: “A small Expo the Lodi” – The Citizen

April 6, 2015

A small Expo in Lodi: in Borghetto the multisectoral Fair returns from the first to May 3, and the tip on the food chain quality. Several news ahead of the 46th edition, signal a renewed enthusiasm and a greater desire to affect by the city administration. Operational arm and organizer remains this year the Pro site. The Fair will be staged for three days, the weekend along with the 1, 2 and 3 May, and also from a logistical point of view will see something new. Confirmed the separation of the amusement park, away from the stalls, there will be a central pavilion for craftsmen largest, with demonstrations and exhibitions, and taste island Borghettino, with major food producers in the country: there will be Molino Pagani its flour, bakery Lacchini, the dairy Dedè with its cheeses, the agricultural enterprise Dragons with rice. Confirmed the presence now historic, skilled traders associations, that of Butchers lodigiani first. Consistent and relaunched the party animal, recovering strongly than in recent years, not only will return the horses farmed in recent years left in favor of the manifestations of entertainment, but there will also be a large area dedicated to cattle, with the presence in Fair bulls Limousine. The cows will be housed in a real barn rebuilt on site, complete with a milking parlor. Among the exhibits, finally, next to cars and motorcycles, there will be the return of agricultural machinery.

“The idea is to bring the entire food chain, from farm to table, with a lot of tools and instruments for agricultural processing and agri-food – the mayor Joan Gargioni -. It is a strong impression that we wanted to give as a municipal government in recent years the Fair of May, even with good results, it appeared with the same formula. We hold firm that formula, but we complete and fully relaunched, binding among other things to the theme of the Expo in Milan on the same days that just get under way. ” The impulse new administration will be felt even in institutional relationships: confirmed local strategic partners, Cooperative Credit Bank of Borghetto Lodigiano, Province of Lodi, Chamber of Commerce, Confartigianato of the Province of Lodi and, since last year, Park Tecnologico Padano, new relationships were built with the Consortium of companies Lodi Export, which ensured the presence of several members, and with the Lombardy Region, which has also renewed its commitment to support the economic Fair with an extra contribution.

In addition, you are placed on trial contacts with agricultural associations and industrialists to have complete coverage of the economic landscape Lodi. The organization remains firmly in the hands of the Pro site, and its president Diego Bonà, for years now soul of the Fair. “Relations with the Pro Loco are yummy, and the decisions were always shared – says Giovanna Gargioni -. Our activism comes to flank the usual good work of the Pro site, and to strengthen it. There is every reason to have a great edition of the Fair. ”

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