Friday, April 10, 2015

Innovation Day, the 2015 edition: meet on April 17 and 18 … – Il Tirreno

PRESS RELEASE April 10, 2015

Innovation Day, the 2015 edition: meet on April 17 and 18.

Investment in innovation of companies Prato: the data of the regional lists for qualified services.

Return to the Innovation Day, the event that last year, to its first edition, collected interest and success. To organize the Industrial Association of Prato and Next Tecnotessile Technology, in collaboration with APRE Toscana, with the support of the main sponsor Banca CR Firenze and the patronage of the Region of Tuscany.

The formula is already experienced in 2014: on the afternoon of Friday, April 17 dedicated to the Matchmaking (demand and supply of technology and innovation, with companies that meet labs and research centers that make contact with each other ) at the headquarters of the Industrial Association of Prato, on the morning of Saturday, April 18 a conference at the Museum of the fabric.

The news this year concerning both issues both participating parties. The topics of the conference on Saturday will cover not only technological innovation but also the organization and efficiency of production systems; Furthermore (and this is an aspect of particular interest to Prato) the relationships between innovation, product trends and fashion trends in consumption patterns. Particularly expected the intervention of Francesco Morace, who will lead the Innovation Day the experience gained by Future Concept Lab in terms of changes in consumption patterns. Other interventions by Giancarlo Corò, lecturer at Ca ‘Foscari and economist specializing in the evolution of industrial districts, Aldo Tempesti, general secretary of the National Technology Platform for textiles and clothing, and representatives of the London College of Fashion and WGSN, a company specializing in the study of fashion trends. In terms of efficiency of production systems are planned interventions Paul Castellacci for Confindustria Digitale and Mario Rapaccini IBIS Lab, University of Florence. Will close the morning Peter Pelù, Director Area businesses Banca CR Firenze, who will talk about the financial instruments to support research and innovation. The conference will be opened after the greeting of the President of the Industrial Association of Prato Andrea Dowels, Paolo Nesi (University of Florence / Tuscany APRE) who will report the results of Matchmaking held the previous day.

In terms of participants, however, to report the presence Matchmaking also of companies and research centers from various districts of the Mediterranean partner countries of the Industrial Association of Prato in the European project TEX-MED Clusters: together with the Vice President of the Union, and president of Next Technology Tecnotessile, Francesca Fani will be the project coordinator Susanna Leonelli to start work on Friday 17.

“The innovation is a strategic issue on which it is must commit – notes Francesca Fani – The attention of local businesses are growing: we perceive as ATM Innovation Industrial Union and we find from various signals. There are no comprehensive data on investment in business innovation, but a partial indicator as rankings of regional tenders give a sense of intense activity. An example are the rankings for the facilities for qualified services to support innovation, essentially consulting for the design of new products or processes, for the introduction of innovation internal organization and marketing, for energy efficiency: we are talking about 6 million investment by 140 firms in the district. And these are the only consulting for projects, not in direct costs for the realization of the projects themselves: so only a small part of the total. The 2015 edition of the Innovation Day is also about the following topics: how to innovate in the company not only discounting the technological equipment but also learning how to locate and read the patterns of consumption, updating and streamlining processes, making more efficient organization. ”

For registration and more information at the Innovation Day

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