Presented in Rome Biodiversity Park, with the Pavilions of Biological, one of the great themes of EXPO BolognaFiere designed and is building on the building of Milan.
"We wanted to implement this project - said the President Duccio Campagnoli - primarily to the commitment and responsibility that we felt as organizers of SANA, the Fair that gathered together and increasingly in recent years the great development organic in Italy, along with FederBio, the Italian Federation of Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture, to be present at EXPO biodiversity and the world of agriculture and organic production Italian. "
The Biodiversity Park, Campagnoli explained, "will be the site of the Expo official presence in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment and represent ig randi issues of the protection of the Italian parks and conservation of agro-biodiversity Italian . will also be space and the stage of a series of large Event including the day of biodiversity, the environment June 5 and that of the Italian parks, important moments that characterize the schedule of meetings in the Park. Incidentally, in the Ministry will then be possible to reconstruct and live, thanks to virtual reality, a visit to the interior of the great Italian parks and watch the many activities that will be dedicated to the knowledge of the Italian reality. "
The project, in fact, added the President of BolognaFiere, "creates a unique exhibition space in EXP O, a large green area that wants to represent the heritage natural biodiversity in Italy, Biodiversity in the lands and agricultural landscapes Italian, and among them the experience and excellence of the new organic farming who founded and founded his own development on the preservation and regeneration of the value of these biodiversity. "
" The park's biodiversity - said Minister of Ambient and Gian Luca Gallett - will be the port of Expo, a unique and special manner of entering in Italy in of the excellent environmental and landscape, to present to the international community the extraordinary quality and variety of nature from which descends the Italian food production most famous in the world. The park is also the proposal of a model, the Italian, who intends to make environmental goods flywheel of social and economic development, coupling protection and enhancement, maintenance of habitats and landscapes and making them instruments of growth, including employment, territories and country. "
" For the Universal Exhibition of 2015 - said the Secretary of State with responsibility Expo Barbara Degani - We decided to focus on the Natural heritage of our country . At Expo 2015 will be present with the 'Thematic area dedicated to Biodiversity offering visitors the chance to discover, through images and videos that veicoleremo through the latest equipment, as it is rich in Italy on this front. In Italy we Parks protected areas and the largest in Europe and we have to value them more. Among the innovations we have provided high-tech classroom crystal inside which will involve school children to appreciate their natural beauty through the creation of recreational activities -formative. Another significant step forward to give continuity to our environmental education project ".
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Besides FederBio, are partners in the project and will be featured in the Biodiversity Park and Pavilion Organic Confederation Italian Farmers, the Association for Biodynamic Agriculture, the major companies in the industry along with lots; as well as also FederUnacoma Cosmetics and Italy who want to represent the new businesses also agro and cosmetics in new technologies appropriate for agriculture and for producing innovative natural for health and beauty. Legambiente also participate with many initiatives and has already reached the important adhesion of Nuremberg Trade Fair which organizes Biofach and most important trade fair worldwide network of industry and IFOAM the global organization for the organic, as well as the coordination of the Italian University for EXPO and other important research centers. With them, the Park will also be a qualified center proposal preparation to be the development of biological a key part of the proposals that have to get out of EXPO.
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