“Another real step towards the availability for patients with type 1 diabetes, the artificial pancreas.” So Paolo Di Bartolo, Unit of Diabetology of Ravenna dell’Ausl of Romagna and Group Coordinator Annals AMD (Association of Medical diabetologists), defines the new device capable of preventing hypoglycemia, for its technological and clinical value, is was presented recently in Rome at a conference at the Senate.
“It is an insulin pump, or a small portable pump (weight: 100 grams), connected by means of a catheter of variable length un’agocannula teflon inserted in the subcutaneous insulin that provides automatically, as programmed by the patient and on the advice of the clinician, “says Di Bartolo. “Before meals or whenever it deems appropriate, the patient may administer a bolus of insulin.” The system also combines the continuous glucose monitoring sensor via a needle – usually located on the abdomen – tied to a tiny transmitter that sends information to the continuous insulin pump. “On the latter is possible, therefore, to read the blood sugar (and its variations to the hyper- or hypoglycemia, and the speed of such changes) and how much insulin the pump is infusing.” In fact this type of device was already available on the market: the so-called Sap (Sensor augmented pump).
“The new device ‘resumes Di Bartolo” was finalized within the appropriation of an algorithm that blocks insulin infusion when estimated, based on a predictive model that evaluates the reduction of blood glucose, which within 30 minutes will occur hypoglycemia (blood glucose & lt; 80 mg / 100 ml). ” The difference with previous Sap is important. “With previous systems stop dispensing insulin occurred when the event was taking place. The big news of this tool instead is that not only responds to hypoglycemia, but it prevents. ” The next step? “Probably consist in the development of a device that not only intervenes suspending, but also slightly raising insulin infusion in case of hyperglycemia, the stage interprandiale. The new system, having been shown in clinical trials to prevent hypoglycemia in 63% of cases, it will be particularly suitable for patients with a history of repeated severe hypoglycemia and for patients with asymptomatic hypoglycemia. ” ( from www.doctor33.it )
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