Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Paola Saluzzi and the role (unclear) of Twitter

The world (Italian internet) at this time is divided into two factions : that in support of Paola Saluzzi and the one that believes that Sky did well to pause for insulting the pilot Alonso with a tweet.


The first did Good morning Massimo Gramellini yesterday its flag, with the assumption that what a journalist is on Twitter in a personal capacity should not be closely related to his profession. The second is justly and fairly unanimous notice how what we are, we do or say is not exhausted by mode more or less technological and more or less traditional. Saluzzi that has let go unhappy comment has nothing to do with the little blue bird. He said, indeed written, and Sky has decided to suspend it. Even the nature of the decision, or not connected to the listings of the brand connected to Alonso, does to a certain point. The Saluzzi is a dependent Sky and Sky decided to suspend it. Can do it and he did. This is not discussed and is not for another with a novelty, as pointed out here Gaia Berruto, numerous precedents abroad.

The thing that puzzles me, and in the middle ground between the two factions, however, is another: it is correct, by Sky in this case, intervene after a slip in a general context in which the value and the role Twitter account are not clarified precisely? In good times and bad, mind you.

Paola Saluzzi or whoever it may have opened the account on the advice of a friend or grandchild and he began to chirp in freedom drifting from the comments of others.

Paola Saluzzi or whoever it might decide to share on Twitter, Facebook and company articles and content issuer competitor.

Paola Saluzzi or whoever it might start using Twitter, Facebook and company as well as to give support, but of strategic random fact, the presence of social Sky.

Paola Saluzzi or whoever it may just be a collaborator of Sky and still useful to the cause of the issuer due to a task on social networks incisive and structured. It could be encouraged verbally and pats on the back to continue.

So, Paola Saluzzi or whoever it knows exactly how his professional figure – in this case I’m thinking of the journalists, but it for any category – overlaps or less what he does in the bar downstairs in the evening, live on TV when you’re working or guest or Sunday when he goes to see his son play football, and maybe slaps the parent of child who has just crippled her. Instead, it may not have as clear the role of social networks, or what is expected of you on the same.

For two reasons: the first is that maybe Paola Saluzzi or whoever it does not have a familiarity with the media in question that still can not be taken for granted. The second is that the role and importance of social networks are clear to a certain point. Indeed, as a journalist, I would say absolutely not. It is not just the common line to share with the preparation and possible collaborators, the first and essential step if we want to (rightly) to sanction those who do not behave as expected. This is the ‘ commitment required , hoped, useful or useless.

This is the ease with which accounts trademarks or tested are put into the hands of people more or less experienced no agreements and borders precise, with results that have already made history. But the story really: this is three years ago.


What are the social network? A tool (also) work or an eternal experiment? And if we are (still) in the second case a Paola Saluzzi or whoever it is not likely to fall from a high but after committing a stupid naivety?

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