Born Emilia Romagna Welcome, business network designed to promote tourism and enhance the territory.
kicks off with the name” Emilia Romagna Welcome “ network contract subscribed by several local public and private companies that deal with incoming tourism , assistance, information, promotion and enhancement of the territory of the Tourism : cartel goal is to spread the services offered and improve quality and technology implementations, also offering training and professional development in the sector.
= & gt; Service Industry, Tourism and Trade in recovery
ER Welcome
Emilia Romagna Welcome based at the offices of Cervia Tourism, led by President Gianluca Bagnara:
“We have used this new legal instrument that allows us even in their autonomous operations of non appesantirci additional costs and to seize the opportunities of a working methodology sharing and using the different experiences and good practices developed in different territories. “
Companies members
At the time they joined the project : Ravenna Incoming Convention & amp; Visitors Bureau, Cervia Tourism Ltd., Gesturist Cesenatico SpA, Turismhotels Bellaria Igea Marina, Rimini Reservation srl, Promhotels Riccione, Cattolica Hospitality, Business area of Terre di Faenza, Tourism Consortium Cesena, Bologna Welcome Ltd, Consortium Visit Ferrara, soc. consortium CO.GE.TUR Comacchio, Modena tour soc. consortium rl, Terre Francigene and Piacenza, the consortium Wine Road of Flavours of packages Rimini and the trucking company Bonelli BUS.
= & gt; Read all news for SMEs in Emilia Romagna
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