In Paris there is the Synchrotron Soleil. In Barcelona, however, is called Alba and Trieste is the Fermi. While in Sweden, in the small village of Lund, the ESS is under construction. Are particle accelerators, or gigantic, sophisticated and expensive equipment for the analysis of matter. Something similar could also land on the campus of the future in Rho-Pero: a technology giant 800 meters long imagined that the plans would run under the decumano, the avenue on which today overlook the pavilions and that tomorrow would keep the key scientific able to revive the area.
This is the heart of the project that the university State presented at the table with the government. New. Why should that jewel to embellish, giving it an international value, the new campus with the transfer of the scientific part of the university. Not only new classrooms and laboratories, in fact.
But what would that new piece of the city of innovation and knowledge? The comparison with the LHC – the most powerful particle accelerator in the world located at CERN in Geneva – you can only do in part: if the jewel Swiss voted to pure research of the famous Higgs boson, the idea that blend the head of the State physicists is that of an accelerator with diverse applications in the study of matter. Not only.
The creation of a campus in the areas of post-Expo, according to the project designed by the rector Luca Vago, would also lead to the establishment of a research center of the continental level – just like those that accompany the other accelerators Europeans – for the aggregation of ‘big data’. That is kind of a huge digital library where they would be preserved and made accessible gigantic amount of data produced by scientific research. The future.
As such centers – in technical jargon are called ‘Research Infrastructures’ – in Europe there are about fifteen, and have two main economic characteristics: on the one hand require a very substantial investment (something like 600 million euro in the project of the State only for the accelerator, which would be partly covered by EU funds), the other a return incalculable in terms of attraction, both for scientists around the world, both for companies interested in the application of research.
And here it would close the circle and that the body would take the idea of a wider city of innovation in which the interests of entrepreneurs would tutt ‘nothing but secondary: why Assolombarda immediately supported the initiative of the State. The project of the industrialists of Silicon Valley, in fact, would complement the design.
The obstacles on the path, however, are not lacking. For an investment of this type should be from a consistent basis – and in this the INFN, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, would have a key role – but then also attract funding from abroad, according to a formula already tested (l ‘ Italy itself has numerous investments in other European projects). Not to mention that the transfer of 18 thousand students and teachers in science, the university would have a cost of 400 million euro for moving classrooms, libraries and laboratories from 200 thousand square meters of City University. Efforts currently via Feast of Forgiveness can not support. Interest on Deposits and Loans Fund would become strategic.
This is, now, the plan will have to be defined and enriched: a task that will be entrusted to the advisor who will win the tender launched by Arexpo to define functions and potential investors can not bring down the abandonment of Rho-Pero. The piece of science, in fact, would be the most important part of a puzzle that will affect urban Shared Councillor Ada Lucia De Cesaris and that should include other pieces. The area is wide and because the operation is standing you need to build an overall plan. Beginning with the green, the public part that should still occupy a large part of the area and that, starting from the pavilion for Expo already realized, could be interpreted as a biodiversity park.
A legacy to be valued is also Palazzo Italy: the five-story building is the only one, for now, will remain alive together in Cascina Triulza. That piece of memory agricultural restored, however, already has a destination: continue to be the home of associations
and ong. To the Palace, the future is to be invented. In this case, it may reappear the hypothesis of a transfer of some functions of the Chamber of Commerce. They were also at the meeting and have renewed interest in being part of the game. Funds permitting, of course. One hypothesis to be studied, then, leads to another meeting participant: the agency of the state property might need new offices and could also find them there.
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